Monday, September 25, 2006

The politics of peace and religion

So much politicking going on around the globe. So much carnage and deaths and bombings and killings. It's draining to the brain. The eyes wants to see but most people don't even care! They try not to give a damn, but ultimately, everything hinges on us. How we are to them matters. The politicians, the military, the church. Religionism and lack of understanding about different ideologies and the lack of respect for each beliefs puts us all in dangerous situation. Troops deployed in war torn countries are suffering so much. Death and casualties of war ignites passion for call to peace. But how can we have peace when most (of us) doesn't really understand what is the root cause of all the hatred. For most Muslims, they think the west is an evil empire taking away the sanctity of their own faith. And for that, people suffer. Iraq and Afghanistan- these two nations can't seem to move on because of that very problem that exist. The hatred for the west. Extremist has planted in the minds of radicals, that to gain back their existence, the west must be wiped out. And they do these by bombings. They are stilled by hatred. To them, the west is the mighty God, dictating the future of everyone. To understand is to learn. Maybe through learning we'll gain peace. But peace is hard fought. People are out there forsaking their lives for us. Defending the very nature of bringing peace. The least we could do is to understand! We are shackled by our own religionism which prevents us from gaining that elusive peace. Holy ramadan month starting and bombings and killings doesn't solve anything. With many suicide bombing and terror and all that triggering battle, Muslims killing each other as result. Peace still nowhere in sight.

I know I didn't make any sense. I wanted to post about things inside my mind. Whatever really! It's raining now. I'll blog out. Maybe I'll delete this. Yes.

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