Sunday, September 28, 2003

A long blog(acckkkk!!) Because Blah..nothing new to blog about..seems all the news are thesame; Iraq, Bush, UN, Election, and so on and so meantime here's something.Why do I blog? Blogging here is really just for quick thoughts and commentaries about news and other stuff I see on the web and I make one or two comments. So what really makes it different? When people say weblog is like personal online journal..well I think not..cos the purist of the bloggers will tell there's a big difference: "A weblog (sometimes called a blog or a newspage or a filter) is a webpage where a weblogger (sometimes called a blogger, or a pre-surfer) 'logs' all the other webpages she finds interesting." — Jorn Barger, Weblog Guru meanhwile... A web journal, conversely, looks inward — the author's thoughts, experiences, and opinions." and wandering around I saw this "Private, intimate thoughts are not revealed in a blog, it is a record of opinions." I do agree that there's really a distinction, a variance of what really is that seperates the two main thing. The problem is..more and more make weblogs their online journal. Why? I dunno. Because some tools are user friendly I guess. When one really looks at it. If you have a journal/diary(there's also a difference between the two..I think) you go register your diary at and for your blogs..Uhm, list like in a blog directory.

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