Saturday, September 13, 2003

Hello!?! Earth to France..wake up!
News via Washington post
GENEVA, Sept. 13 -- Secretary of State Colin L. Powell, arriving here early this morning for talks about what role the United Nations should play in rebuilding Iraq, labeled as "totally unrealistic" a French proposal that the United States should transfer power to the U.N. and Iraqis within the next month. Powell said France's proposal that Iraq establish a provisional government in a month, write a constitution by the end of this year and hold elections next spring---all under U.N. supervision---was "interesting, but not executable."

Ouch. and France gets the reject. Teeehee. US will not allow France or anyone else to have a say in whatever goes in Iraq except for them. Especially if it involves power in everything. It's always like that. Right?

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