Thursday, December 31, 2009
It's So New Year Already... almost
Same as with my blog a day before Christmas, I'm multi tasking laziness on this day. At this hour. He he. Lemme see... I'm watching t.v. Some kinda anime show. I'm downloading songs, not reading a book this time. I'm browsing the web for quirky sites. I'm eating. .. and will eat some mor later.... I've been eating since when I woke up haha. Heck, it's the holidays. Food Fest. Food Feast. After the tradional noche buena last week, it's media noche this time along with the noise and New Years Eve celebration.
Laters.. I'm craving for the Raspberry Oats Cheseecake! Yum.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
It's almost Christmas...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Love Will Triumph over Hate - PM Berlusconi
Th other day I watched the news and saw the whole thing. Yikes. Pity the PM. One can't help but sympathize; Bloody face, broken nose and broken teeth. The guy who threw that statue must have some mental disorder. Hm.. shoes would've been tolerable? (think Bush incident.. hehe).
Glee, Mad Men and a Holiday blah
I was just watching Glee last night... and up to now I keep humming the songs. I'm such a 'gleek' he he.
Glee Glee Glee! I drool for Draper! Oh yeah.
Nine more days to go and it's Christmas. Love it!
Today is the start of the traditional Simbang Gabi. It's going to Dawn Mass for nine days. It symbolisez the days leading to the birth of Jesus. It's also in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Joyful, Joyful
Thursday, December 10, 2009
If Shame Had a Face I Think It Would Kind of Look Like Tigter Woods
Just a play of words.. he he.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Tiger Woods is only Human
For the last two days Tiger Woods has been silent of what really happened to him the day after thanksgiving no less. Rumor mills abound with plenty of innuendo and gossip about mistress and alleged affairs. It's crazy. The least person you'd think who would be in this situation would be Tiger Woods.
Via NY Times: Each hour that passes without word from Tiger Woods about the details of his car crash early Friday morning may prove damaging to his image by filling an online rumor mill with conjecture, opinion and rumor, according to experts who advise high-profile athletes and celebrities on managing how they are viewed by others. Full report
I'm blogging about this because I like Golf. Well, I like S Garcia, A Scott and C Villegas. Yeah pretty boys of the to speak. With pun. He he.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Massacre; Journalists Killed
Via Police on Mindanao island pulled bullet-ridden bodies from shallow graves in this remote farming area after gunmen allegedly employed by a local political chief abducted then shot dead a group of rival politicians and journalists. Read more
On a lighter and more upbeat and good news... Efren Penaflorida won CNN here of the year. Congrats. Nice speech too.
Friday, November 20, 2009
I get it, I don't think so, I don't really care....
What I'm excited about is watching Shining Through. ETC (I think) will show that old film this weekend. My sister and I really like that movie. Brings back memories of.. ages 80's. I know me is oldie. Another movie that we like is called Stealing Home...weep not for memories. He he.
Yawning here.. blogging off.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Hail, Hail the Pacman!
Manny does not need to fight arrogant Mayweather. He does not need to prove anything anymore. We know he's the best. Pacman that is. On the other hand, it's Maywether who needs a fight.. because.. and probably is the fact... Mayweather's eyes are seeing dollar signs! Hah! He needs Manny and Money.
He's just all talk. It's not Manny who needs him.. it's him who needs Manny.
Floyd Mayweather Jr.... go milk a cow or something!
So Sunday morning local time, we were all tuned in, glued to our t.v. sets and big screens anywhere and everywhere here just to watch Manny beat Cotto. Poor Cott, beaten to a bloody pulp! Ah, demolished!
The country was in a state of euphoria. As usual whenever Pacman fight..the whole nation is at a stand still.
They should've stopped the fight after the fifth round. He he. Cotto was just too proud.. he didn't want to go down via KO. Well he lost via TKO anyhow, he was not even fighting anymore. He was dancing away from Manny and couldn't take anymore of the beating. Thank God for referees.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Hello Windows 7
I've been been saving for a Macbook Pro with the Snow Leopard (cause I wanna try. I'm not an elitist though. Hardly one. Barely) but I figured, I only use the 'net for blogging and browsing and being a voyeur of anything and everything. A mac would be a waste.
Okay Windows 7 you win. See ya when I visit computer shops.
Guides and reviews about Windows7
A Windows to help you forget- WSJ. This is the review of Walter Mossberg. Btw... to help forget Vista. (I've never had to.. so I dunno)
10 Things you need to know before moving to windows 7- CW
Five Reasons Windows XP Has a Year to Live-PC world
Saturday, October 10, 2009
I'm still puzzled why Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize
The Committee couldn't find somebody else worthy to give the Peace Prize? Honestly I don't think Obama deserve the award. Hey, my blog! my own opinion!
News links: Reuters, Washington Post
Friday, October 02, 2009
State of Calamity, State of Sadness
Last Saturday, September 26, Manila became water world as the metro was flooded due to the non stop rain from tropical storm Ondoy (Ketsana) who left 277 deaths (and climbing up). Everywhere you look there was water... and I mean water up to the roofs of the houses. It's like hurricane Katrina but much worse. Just go look at the you tube videos.
Our house was flooded at the height of the storm and my pc was not spared. The flood inside the house rose as high as above the knees. Many important documents like passport, sss, itr got washed away by the flood. Things like dvds, and my childhood paper diaries and so many photos destroyed.
We've been able to clean up the house already and all is okay. We're still lucky as we have a roof over our head and comfortable bed to sleep and food to eat. Others aren't so lucky though. It's sad to see all those who where left homeless by the floods and to see the many evacuees.
There is a new threat of super typhoon "Pepeng" (Parma). They say this one is classisfied. Since we don' have hurricanes here, weathermen are saying it's like it's like category 5 hurricane. I hope it swerves to a different direction and spare us the wrath. Filipinos are stilll reeling from the calamity of the flooding that storm Ondoy left the country.
Asia(ns) suffering from natures wrath again. Flooding here and in Vietnam, Earthquakes in Indonesia and Samoa and tsunamis wiping out houses and villages.
Times like these.. prayers always help.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Thinking Hamm.. Jon Hamm
So insanely Mad for Mad Men. My favorite t.v show at the moment. I never failed to watch every episode of the first season. Deja vu it seems cos back in early 2000, Six Feet Under was my favorite show and I never failed to watch an episode either... and now it's Mad Men.
Anyway, a few months back I blogged about my dreams of of Anderson Cooper (I know, I'm puzzled too) and I told myself.. why couldn't it have been "Don Draper" aka Jon Hamm in real life.
He he. I'm damn crushing every time.
Friday, September 11, 2009
9/11 Redux
9/11, I can barely remember you, they’ve buried you in so much hype!
9/11 I wept when you were first on television! I wept for New York, for the dead, for all of us, for myself, for the world!
9/11, I was sure that the world had changed forever because bad guys wanted America dead and hated us because we listen to rock 'n' roll and wear no miniskirts on our naked faces!
9/11, I cheered when our warplanes ripped through the skies of Afghanistan scorching the caves where our enemies burrowed and I marveled at our precision-guided bombs -- trying to ignore their occasionally murderous imprecision!
9/11, I sat mesmerized in front of Fox News and CNN as the gargoyled faces of the Cold War began crawling out of the musty cellars of history and, eyes unaccustomed to light, blinking, began to spout the doctrines of Total War!
9/11, I started to feel sorry for you when retired generals, admirals, spies, loonies and fakes brushed off their swords and rushed to your defense! So many double-chins! So many watering eyes! So many dentured grins and brush haircuts! So many double-bottom suitcases clutched in so many pimp-ringed hands! They even brought Ollie North from felonious disgrace to stand up for you with his Constitution-overthrowing boyish old looks!
9/11, I felt bad for you when the Lefties crowded you from the other side with their guilt-filled jaws of "I told you so," and their eternal excuses for the wretched exotics of the world whose suffering they experience in their marble-topped kitchens between arguments about what wine to serve with the wild rice! And I wept for you again, when soured professors who missed the collapse of commie fascism in 1989 descended on you like rabid wolverines led by Noam Chomsky, whose teeth marks are all over the zero ground of American academia!
9/11, you saved the paranoids from self-cannibalism!
9/11, you were a boon to advertisers and publicists and flag manufacturers, and they sold you with cars and pizzas and they drained you of your raw primal power even as they pretended to grieve for you! Zero down payment until Doomsday!
9/11, you were a godsend to poetasters who were out of the gate lamenting and whining before your towers even gave out!
9/11, your dead and your heroes are covered by thick layers of ash and greed and the Republic owes you an apology...
9/11, I close my eyes and recall you in all your gory glory and I still hate those who did this to us and to our greatest city.
9/11, I can barely remember you and I'm sorry.
Have People Already Forgotten What Happened Eight Years Ago?
On that day fateful day of September 11, 2001 America broke down. Mourning and weeping.
I cried when when I saw people jump from the windows of Twin Towers. I cried when I saw the towers collapsed. I cried when saw people looking for their loved ones. I cried and cried with the events I saw on television. Multiple terror attacks in the US; the bombing at the Pentagon, the plane crashed in Pennsylvania and most especially the terror that hit New York as the hijacked plane smashed into the Twin Towers and we saw the building on fire and collapsed.
It's just sad that people seemed to have forgotten it. I'm not sure but I know every year there is a commemoration. They read the names of those who perished and every time I watch it, I still get shivers and I tear up.
Yes, 9/11 I weep for you.
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
Of Life, Love and Living and Remembering
I saw this article from last month, and thought I'd blog it here. Just to remember Cory and her family and how well they have been an inspiration.
And this is why we love the Aquino Family. Because they're simple they're just like any other family (except they're not.. they're Aquinos and they have destiny to lead the country)
Read the whole article (by Fe Zamora ). Endearing.
MANILA, Philippines—Like most family that just lost a loved one, the children of the late President Corazon Aquino joked about the possibility of ghosts visiting the old home.
Inside the bus that followed their mother to her final resting place at Manila Memorial on Wednesday, there was plenty of time for catching up with family, horsing around and telling ghost stories. The Philippine Daily Inquirer was one of a handful of media organizations that joined the Aquinos in the bus.
Senator Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III, a bachelor and doting uncle to eight nephews and nieces, turned to 14-year-old Josh, his sister Kris’ son with actor Phillip Salvador.
“Josh, will you sleep with me over at Times Street?” he asked the boy. “Let’s go meet some ghosts there,” he added, with a wink. (Cory Aquino lived in an unpretentious bungalow on Times Street, West Triangle in Quezon City until the time of her death.)
Joshua nodded and replied: “Okay, I will sleep there.”
Then someone added: “But promise you won’t get married, ‘Tito ‘Noy!”
That set off a wave of laughter that rocked the bus.
A healthy dose of humor, Christian values, deep friendships, and the love of an entire nation helped the Aquino family cope in their hours of bereavement.
This was quite evident on the day of the funeral. If you didn’t know there was a funeral procession going on for a beloved President, you would think the passengers inside the bus were just on its way to a picnic or a family reunion.
For the second time in 26 years, the Aquinos were again together in a bus, following a flower-decked hearse that bore a coffin. In 1983, it was that of their father, Sen. Benigno Aquino Jr., who was shot dead shortly after arriving from the United States; on Wednesday, it was their mother’s, fondly called by many Filipinos as Tita Cory. Read the rest of it here
Saturday, August 29, 2009
The End of Camelot?
Read the article ( link above) from Boston Globe. How the people are responding to this news is similar to that of President Cory. People lining up and waiting up to hours just to view Senator Kennedy.
Miami Herald: Read several columnists' remembrances of Sen. Ted Kennedy, who died this week.
Washington Post: Post Kennedy Era. (long article by Howard Kurtz) worth to read.
Hurricane Katrina ..lest we forget
From The Times Picayune this article from Jarvis DeBerry
Life, we learned after Hurricane Katrina, is not the sum total of one's possessions.
Losing everything isn't fatal. Having nothing isn't terminal.
And yet, there is a pain that comes with losing it all, a pain that remains even after we have new things we can point to and say we own. Continue to read article.
View all Hurricane Katrina Post
On Sept 11, 2009..another one to remember.. lest we forget
Friday, August 28, 2009
Family Legacy and the Destiny
The heroism and martyrdom of Ninoy or the simplicity and integrity of Cory, made the country a proud one again. Rising from the ruins of of martial law and dictatorship. They have both given their lives to the the country that they love and people that love them in return.
Maeve Kennedy, grandchild of RFK, said in an interview.. to whom much is given much is expected in return. Same words that I heard from President Aquino's daughter, Kris. It is so true.
The legacy of Ninoy and Cory lies in the hands of the younger Aquinos-their children
And their legacy still will continue with the iPod/Facebook/Twitter generation of Aquino grandchildren.
Kennedy Legacy and the Future Kennedys
It's sad as another Kennedy has died. Senator Edward Kennedy succumbed to brain cancer yesterday. A few weeks ago Eunice Kennedy passed away. It's just so poignant how so many love them. The Kennedys has given their whole lives to public service. I mean, what is American politics without the Kennedys? What would be the political arena without a Kennedy? It would be hollow. Empty of inspiration.
But for every sadness there is a silver lining of hope...the future Kennedy Generation.
There's the the 40's and 50's young Kennedys to continue legacy. They are John, Robert, Edward and Eunice's children as younger Kennedys continue service to the country
There's the this Facebook /iPod generation of Kennedys. The notion of service still deep in the blood (via newsbusters)
The grandchildren of the Kennedys: Tatiana and Rose, Caroline's daughters and JFK's granddaughters. Maeve is in law school too, another one, Kerry, a senior in High school.. they're RFK's grand daughters. Matt and Joe Kennedy... 3rd year Law students at Harvard. Other grandchildren... Maria Kennedy Shriver's kids.
Read more about them. They'e just regular kids like the many regular kids out there except they are Kennedys. There lies their destiny.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Remembering Ninoy and the Sacrifice for the Country the
I remember the day when Ninoy was assassinated. 26 years ago a hero was gunned down at the tarmac and 2 million walked a mile to bury the man who would have save the country from the cruel hands of the dictator.
One day before my Birthday, there was a Snap Election. Ninoy's wife, Cory Aquino- former President of our country who recently passed away, ran against Marcos. She won the election but Marcos declared himself a winner. By then people were dismayed. Revolution called People Power ousted the dictator.
Ninoy and Cory. We owe so much to them. Ninoy for sacrificing his life and Cory for making sure that the sacrifice was not wasted.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Sad Day For the Nation
It was a gloomy morning, it rained through out the day, the first day of month. Many woke up the to news of her death. Heaven showered us with tears . The nation grieved.
Thank you for bringing the democracy back to the country. For being an instrument of bloodless revolt that swept the nation back in 1986. Thank you for being a model of goodness and decency as what a public official should be. Thank you.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
In our thoughts
Prayers for Felipe Massa, the f1 driver who fractured his skull in a high-speed accident and was in near death during qualifying round at the Hungarian Grand Prix.
He's been in coma and life support but scouring the new sites.. there's good news. The chief surgeon at AEK hospital says Massa is now breathing unassisted and moving his limbs. In addition, a drain from his skull wound was removed. (AP)
Massa's wife is six months pregnant so one prays that he recovers from the horrible crash.
Anyway what happened to Massa brought back to mind what happened more than a decade ago of Brazilian driver Ayrton Senna who died in a crash in Imola in 1994.
Monday, July 27, 2009
She's so Square
I prefer reading books books like How Late It Was, How Late or the Giver or The Things They Carried. Mad Men is a favorite and I think Jon Hamm is just so suave and gorgeous.
So when my sister told to me, I'm so baduy. I just nodded. Hell, it's hip to be square.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
War in Afghanistan goes on
A 28-minute video was released by members of the Taliban over the weekend of a visibly distressed Bowe Bergdahl, 23, of Hailey. The video shows him sitting cross-legged on the floor in plain grey clothing, saying he's "scared [he] won't be able to go home." (sunvalleyonline)
In the 28-minute video, Bergdahl becomes emotional when he speaks of his family -- his parents, siblings, nieces and nephew -- and the girlfriend he hopes to marry.
It was not clear whether some or all of Bergdahl's remarks were scripted by his captors read long article from (cnn)
Neighbors and others in the community about 10 miles south of Sun Valley have known for weeks that Bergdahl had been captured. Later Monday, townspeople began tying hundreds of shiny yellow ribbons on trees lining Main Street. (ap/yahoo)
Monday, July 06, 2009
Andy Roddick should have won Wimbledon
The match just finished and what can I say Andy Roddick was the better player throughout. If anybody deserves to win.. it should have been him. But it's not to be.The sad dejected look on his face just tells it all after the last point, sauntering back to to the chair and during the presentation.. it's clearly a pain. Sadness on his face. He can't even force a smile during the photo op. He tried but can't. It's hard to even fake a smile. Losing is not something you just brush off. It's not something you just set aside and say.. ah there will be other times because... on Sunday afternoon Roddick really should have won Wimbledon.
Roger Federer rejoicing winning Wimbledon. His 15th grand slam. Disgusting though.. the patronizing words he made to Andy. The look on Roddick's face said it all.
Hats off to Andy Roddick. He is my winner.. and I think majority will agree with that.
What happened earlier watching match with Roddick losing when he really should have won.. reminded me golf and Sergio Garcia losing the Open Championship when clearly he deserved to have won. Same thing with what happened to Jean Van de Velde.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
US Supreme Court: Strip Search Unconstitutional
That strip search is clearly a violation especially to a 13 year old girl. The officials of the school should be held accountable for their actions. Yes, they have laws within their premises and confines of the school but they went to far in enforcing that. What they did to the girl was humiliating, demeaning! It's not even cocaine they were searching but an Ibuprofen- generic name for Advil.
Asking a 13 year old to shake her undies and training bras and taking them off to see if there were any illegal drugs and over the counter prescription is porny pedophilia in a way that really is degrading.
The school is like the second home of children. It's place where educators and officials teachers the whole academe should be guiding students.. teaching them importance of law and of rights and teaching them about values, morals and decency.. What happened at Safford Middle School reflects the nature of unconstitutional way they enforce discipline and laws.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Michael Jackson Dead
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Nike SB Blue Lobster and Adidas Goodyear

Rad! Cool box too. I like it. Wonder if it's unisex.
I'm not feeling the neon colored lace though. And by the way I'm not into SB. I just like the sneaks.
Another one I like is the Adidas Goodyear. Again I wonder if this one is unisex.
I actually saw one from the shop but I don't think they have my size. They have white and pink one but I like this better.

The classic adidas will always be a favorite though. The white one.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Sergio, Adam and Camilo.. Oh the Heartthrobs

Photo from Getty/nytimes
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Microblogging Iran, the Scenes, You Tube the Events and Posting on Facebook
Tweeting Iran: Elex New in 140 characters or less (AP/Yahoo)
Noise Filter: Iranian Election Dispute (WHIR)
The little man (because he height), re elected president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would face even more riots and possible revolt (is it possible in a country Like Iran?) er, maybe tech revolt?
People should do tweet on the whereabouts of Al Qaeda leaders or the super recluse North Korea or what's going on in Afghanistan.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Another Casualty of Economic Crisis
Today, the world prevails, and GM is on its knees.
We are dominoes in the shadow of a tumbling giant.
All fall down.
But falling is not dying.
And we are not dead yet.Read the whole good article from June 2, 09 Mitch Albom column from the Detroit Free Press.
Of course by now everybody knows of GM bankruptcy. It's shocking ( to me anyway) because they are one of the biggest automakers and yet the company strapped for cash.
There is nothing fun here, nothing good about bankruptcy. But nothing shocking, either. History is full of this lesson. All fall down. What defines you is not how you fall, but how you get up.
Maybe because I am from a developing nation that's why I'm shocked... but such huge company and then all of a sudden bankrupt? Plants closing, workers laid off from their job, GM selling it's stake and government bailing them out.. these trying economic times doesn't really choose it's victims. Read everything and all about GM's fall via Detroit Free Press.
This is gonna sound silly and it really is.. but I'm sort of imagining what if it's a softdrink company that's bankrupt? I know that will never happen... but just think.. running out sodas in all fast food and stores all that dreadful scenario like doomsday .. well perhaps not to those who could care less about sodas. I did say it's silly thought.
Anyway, economy still bleeds.. more (band) aid is needed to stop the flow and end the suffering of the now many unemployed workers.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Con-Ass My Ass!
They debated and all the way till midnight just so they can vote to convene (illegal?) Constitutional Assembly aka Con- Ass aka voted by Congressmen Assholes!
This is worrying for ordinary citizen like me. This Con- Ass voted by selfish congressmen aligned with President Arroyo. The aim to amend the Constitution is because Congressmen assholes want their term extended, the government to be in a Parliamentary sytem so that Arroyo can be Prime Minister! What a sham(e) this Con-Ass thing. C'mon 10 years of Arroyo and still they want more? It's more than stupidity already. Congressmen Assholes need to be Congressmen Ashamed!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Once Upon a Lick
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
New Lenovo Laptop and NetBook
Reviews, specs and shots from Engadget CNET Gizmodo
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
A joke to some, it's serious for others
It was meant to be a joke but then again it came from Alec Baldwin so I guess people reacted? *edit/update.. he apologized already.
I mean, when the movie Jarhead came out several years ago, there's a reference about Filipino women being Mail Order Brides and no one reacted to that? Well, except those who were watching it..they were laughing. But anyway, what Alec said was the truth. There are hundreds of women throwing themselves at white men. They think that it's a way out of poverty. Do we blame the women for that? No. Government, yes.
On the other hand... in a different case, I think that the Senator should be lauded for making that speech against a doctor who secretly videotaped his actress girlfriend (and others as well)... while having sex... . That doctor(Kho) is fcktard!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Love and Devotion
Remember the first scene and lines from Love Story and also the the last scene? Sad day for Ryan O'Neal.
In a nutshell, loving someone is about giving, not receiving~ Nicholas Sparks
Enduring, Endearing, these words simply cannot describe the sacrifices partners of Farrah Fawcett and Patrick Swayze has had to endure.Both actors are now facing a battle with sickness both had been diagnosed with cancer. Lisa, Swayze's wife and Ryan, O'Neal, Farrah's long time love have been by their side throughout the ordeal and I think it's just worth mentioning.
We are often so jaded and cynical about relationships but there those whom we can admire the longevity of love and devotion for one another. In these trying times they're facing, we are being reminded about faith, hope and strenght
NBC recently showed video diary/ documentary of Farrah's battle with anal cancer and many have been touched but it also earned criticisim. It's been reported that she is nearing death and it must be heartbreaking for the loved ones. This post is mainly about the devotion of long time partner in the struggles faced by the ones they have devoted their life and love.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Geek in the Blog
Anyway, Windows 7 RC (release candidate) available now for download but will expire 2010 and after that it will auto shut down every two hours before it's expiration. Ugh. There is also an XP mode that comes with this new OS. Read the CW link for more.
Read different reviews for Windows 7 via Arts Technica ZDnet CW IT Management Gizmodo
Sunday, May 03, 2009
I think I OD'd Watching the Commercials... instead of the fight!
Not so Breaking News: Pacquiao KO's Hatton!
Manny "Pacman" Pacquiao demolishes Ricky Hatton in the second round of their bout billed as Battle of the East and the West! Hatton was knockout during the first round but recovered, then come the second round, Pacquiao went for it. Result, Hatton knockout again.. and never recovered. He was lying on his back longer than the round. But's he's alright..
As usual, the fight still has not been shown in our television screens. Delayed thing again. I got the news of the victory through the radio because my sister was listening to the news. And then CNN had a breaking news about the win of Manny.
News link : yahoo sports, TSN, Fox sports, LA Times
Thursday, April 30, 2009
I'm so Square.I Like my Guilty Pleasure: AI
And yeah, I'm such a square. Three more weeks. He he.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Economic Woes, Debts, Depression Triggered a Man to Kill His Family
This story from Washington Post
The man who killed his wife and three young children and then himself in a tiny town in northwest Maryland last week was at least $460,000 in debt and owned a Florida house that was in foreclosure, according to property records and police.
Christopher Wood, 34, described his financial hardships and his struggle with depression and anxiety -- factors that investigators believe contributed to the killings.
According to investigators, Francie Billotti-Wood, 33, and the couple's 5-year-old son, Chandler, were each shot twice in the head with a .25-caliber handgun. Chandler's younger brother, 4-year-old Gavin, was shot three times; daughter Fiona, 2, was shot once. After they were shot, their throats were slashed almost to the point of decapitation, officials said. Wood killed himself with a shotgun.
Several experts said slayings of entire families by fathers and husbands are often associated with economic hardship. Some men get to the point where it becomes impossible to tell family members that they're going to lose the house or that the kids can't go to college, said Richard J. Gelles, dean of the University of Pennsylvania School of Social Policy and Practice and an expert on family violence.
"If you have built your identity around that you're the breadwinner, you're the backbone, and that becomes unglued, it undermines your sense of self," Gelles said.
A tragic and story and especially knowing the reason that the husband did it because of economic hard times. I once blogged about 12 year old girl who committed suicide because of poverty and what drives people to to things like that.We always say that money is nothing and family is everything but. Money is causing all these anxiety and depression and and driving people to kill others, commit suicide and end lives to spare one's self or the others of the hardships. It's wrong. It shouldn't be like that. But that is reality.
The harsh realities of life is drives people in the brink of madness. Financial problems and the difficulty of where to get money, how to raise kids and put them to through school and then losing a job. All this adds up the pressures of providing the daily needs for the family in this economic hardships we're facing. Meanwhile the situation becomes a constant reminder and in turn depression sets in and it becomes too much. The end result is to eliminate the problem and not fix the cause. It's not right. Not right all.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Nature Gves Us Peace and Hope
Good Morning. Happy Earth Day.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Susan Boyle Showed Us What Human Grace is All About

From BBC article .. (long one so click the link to read everything)
Last Saturday, viewers saw Boyle, with double chin, unkempt hair, frumpy appearance and eccentric demeanour, step onto the talent show stage and proclaim her dream of being a professional singer.
The judges rolled their eyes and the audience pulled incredulous faces. Onlookers, on set and at home, were rubbing their hands at the prospect of another hopeless, deluded loser being crushed by a withering Simon Cowell insult.
Then she opened her mouth and sang I Dreamed A Dream from Les Miserables.
Her voice confounded all expectations - the judges' eyes bulged, the crowd went wild and Boyle became an instant star.
Boyle has shattered prejudices about the connection between age, appearance and talent. She has proved that you don't have to be young and glamorous to be talented, and recognised as such
Lisa Schwarzbaum, writer for US celebrity magazine Entertainment Weekly, said the performance was a powerful reality check.
She wrote: "In our pop-minded culture so slavishly obsessed with packaging - the right face, the right clothes, the right attitudes, the right Facebook posts - the unpackaged artistic power of the unstyled, un-hip, un-kissed Ms Boyle let me feel, for the duration of one blazing showstopping ballad, the meaning of human grace.
"She pierced my defences. She reordered the measure of beauty. And I had no idea until tears sprang how desperately I need that corrective." It is such a fairytale story for a spinster who from the physical appearance outside one would never think that she she would have the beauty and grace from the inside. Her voice carried the inner beauty that the outside look belied.
This is the story where we should all just pause and think why we should never ever think that we are far more better than the others. That we look much superior, that we have that pretty face face, dressed in fancy clothes and no can make fun us. Susan Boyle showed us all that when you have that inner grace and beauty inside, it will show on the outside.
Friday, April 17, 2009
It's painful to lose a wife, it's harder to to lose a mother
What I'm more concerned about is the effect on the younger child. It must be be very hard especially for a 12 year old to learn of what happened to her mom. At a time like this, it's important that she gets surrounded by family and relatives.
Monday, March 30, 2009
This is what they say about Twitter....
For longer sentiments, I use WP and this blog and CDX. Lemme tweet now. Ha ha
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Whatever comes to mind
Crap. I want the 70 pesos Halo-Halo. He he.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
A Rapist Should Never Get Out of Jail!
Subic Rape Victim Retracts Testimonies Against US Marine
Looking back I would not have agreed to talk with him and dance with him no less than three times if I did not enjoy his company or what at least attracted me to him since I met him for the first time on the dance floor."
With this statement, "Nicole," the Filipina who caused the conviction of a US serviceman in 2006, changed her testimony against Lance Corporal Daniel Smith, hinting that she was not raped by the American.
You can read more from GMA News and see the pieces of her sworn statement retracting her testimonies that Daniel Smith raped her.
She fooled herself and the people who rallied to her cause!
I somehow knew that this was gonna happen. As early as the beginning of the trial, somewhere at the back of mind, the "victim"would someday recant everything that she had accused Lance Corporal Daniel Smith of raping her.
When I blogged about the court's decision (4 accused, 3 were aquitted while main suspect Smith was sentenced) I said that she looks like she could care less about the decision. And she was insincere and phony for saying a lot of things but then going to the jail to visit Smith because she of felt sorry for him.
According to the mom, Nicole left to start a new life and leave everything behind. And this I found ironic.. ..she left for the US! And there was 2 years ago accusing 4 US servicemen of trying to rape her! How was she able to get a visa? Man, that's puzzling.
According to Justice Gonzales “If she just went to Italy may be that would be more illustrative of her feelings against the US. But she did not go to Italy." I don't like that old fart but I will agree with him just this once on the victim going to the US.
Rape is a serious charge. To be raped is traumatic and one should never ever go through that and the derange perverts, rapist, molestors, pedophiles who commits sick acts should be put away for good! However to accused somebody of rape then lie about it, is just as worse. Imagine, somebody accusing you of something you didn't even do?
This from my 2006 blog when an AP correspondent interviewed him.
"I think it's horrible what I've been accused of"
"This place has taken a year off of my life that I can never get back and I just hope the lies will stop and the people will start to see the truth,"
"My career and my life in general has come to a screeching halt,"
"Even if there was an attempt to settle, I wouldn't want to because this is my life here and I'm being accused of what I feel is the worst thing anybody can be accused of," he said, reacting to allegations by the complainant's mother that prosecutors tried to talk her into agreeing to a settlement. "I would like my name to be cleared," Smith said (link)
And this from the statement of the Victim..retracting
.... "However…I can’t help but entertain doubts on whether the sequence of events in Subic last November of 2005 really occurred the way the court found them to have happened," she said.
She said that she was continuously being bothered by her conscience.
Yay! And so she left for US!
Imagine that. It's kinda like people rallying against the VFA but then maybe finding out that some of those who are demonstrating have US visas or wanting to visit the US.
One can only shake at people convictions and principles.
View more blog related posts:
He said, she said (article and interview)
Accused Marine Daniel Smith speaks out (AP interview)
Interview with the accused (Chad Carpentier)
Subic rape case: four u.s marines charged with rape
Subic rape case may not be a case after all
Military tales, Military woes
Sunday, March 08, 2009
The whinings of getting the cold shoulder treatment
Miley Cyrus wanted to see Radiohead back at the Grammy awards last month but of course.. she was turned down by the band. Snubbed.
I have this smirking laugh right now. Couldn't help it. Heh.
Cyrus promised to “ruin” Radiohead after being snubbed by the band backstage at the Grammys, Interview of Thom Yorke, offer some insight as to why the band would never want to encounter the Disney star. Link via Rolling Stone (click to read full article and see the other video interviews)
So what was Radiohead’s response when offered the chance to meet Miley Cyrus? “We don’t really do that,” the band’s reps told Miley’s manager. From what we know, Yorke is a notoriously shy guy who probably wasn’t in the mood to hang out with a chirpy star-struck teenager who has probably never heard Hail to the Thief, discussing unicorns and Nick Jonas in the hours before his band was set to perform at their very first American awards show. Plus, Yorke had already snubbed Kanye West, so there was no way Miley Cyrus was going to get a meet-and-greet. Read full article again via Rolling Stone..and there is a video of the the tweeny star telling all about the snubbing.
Honestly, I'm thinking... why would Thom Yorke and Company would want to meet her (and even Kanye West for that matter) anyway? He's known to snub other fan celebrities.
Friday, February 27, 2009
The loss of a child is very tragic
Prayers are the best answers for guidance, for loss and for the sufferings.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Couch Potato News
In the year 2000.. it's The Tonight Show with Conan O' Brien...featuring Triumph the insult dog.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Blah blah for tonight
I went on a mini food trip earlier. Bought dulce de leche and minty chocolate gelato from Amici then went to Icings and ate shrimps and sausage pasta with matching Pandan drink. No wonder I'm feeling kinda blimp the rest of of the night. I was trying to be frugal and save money but.. appetite won.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Of Netbooks, Windows 7, IE 8 and others
Since I'm still on budget constraint and saving for either x300 or the Mac Book Pro, I've decided I will get me a Netbook for now. I like it! I'm thinking of the Lenovo Ideapad or the the Vaio from Sony. I've been reading the reviews from different sites about the hottest Net books and which would be worth all that hard earned saving I'm gonna spend.
Cnet: HP mini 2140, Sony Series P series, Samsung NC10, HP Mini 1000, Asus N10 J-AI)
Fox tech: Dell Inspiron Mini 9, Asus Eee Pc 900, Lenovo Ideapad s10, MSI Megabook U10)
Best at CES 09 and Gizmodo.
I don't know what to pick. My budget will know though. Ha ha. I went to Sony Square and damn, I love that P series. It's by order basis though. There's a 65,000 pesos ($1400) and ($960) 45,000 pesos. Yikes. I'd just as well buy a MacBook pro.
Well If I'm to get a Netbook... it has to have the new Windows 7 but Windows has so many versions: Starter Edition, Home Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate.
I think for the Netbook it's the starter edition. Arg. I can only bucks yet to buy any...unless somebody out there wants to give me any I've mentioned here. Heh.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
I Dreamnt of Anderson Cooper, haha
But Anderson Cooper? He's cool. Mr 360 guy. I have no idea why he was in my dream. In the scene he was like this hotshot guy or the boss and we were working together.. not sure what kind of work. It was break time and coming back from somewhere or going to the pantry or something, we bumped in to each other and kidded around and he lifted me up and I was squeaking, giggling and stuff. Weirdness! and then we sorta hang around and ate snack and we were like comfy with each other he had his arms around me..people kept giving this knowing look. I think He he likes me. Ha ha! then we had to go back to work and then hazy stuff then I woke up. Jeez! I wonder what it means.
I just find it weird. Funny. Sweet and just..silly. I hardly even watch his show on CNN. Well, at least it's not Larry King. The horrors! Ha ha. That'll creep me out!
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Brings me to a halt
"When I get home and people ask me,'Hey, Hoot, why do you do it, man? What are you? Some kind of war junkie? I won't say a goddamn word. Why? They won't understand. They won't understand why we do it. They won't understand that it's about the men next to you. And that's it. That's all it is" ~Hoot
"No one gets left behind, you know that" ~ Struecker
"I was talking to Blackburn the other day and he asked me what changed, why we are going home, and I said nothing. That's not true ya know, I think every things changed. I know I changed. Ya know a friend of mine asked me before I got here, when we were all shipping out, he asked me why are you going to fight somebody else's war? What, do ya all think your all heroes? I didn't know what to say at the time, but if he asked me again I'd say no. I'd say there's no way in hell. Nobody asks to be a hero, just sometimes turn out that way. I am gonna talk to your ma and pa when I get home ok?" ~Sgt Matt Eversmann
Thursday, January 01, 2009
As always, Let There Be Peace On Earth
Fireworks over now but I guess not in Gaza as Israel continues to wipe out Hamas.If you fire rockets at Israel, you pay the price. News via AP/Yahoo
It's Jan 1 and I know it's holiday but. I should have gone to serve the monkeyroos but I didn't so now I need to produce a piece of paper. Argh!