Friday, December 01, 2006

The fiercest calm took it's toll

Storm update....

The whole Bicol region was pummelled (sp?) by super typhoon Reming/Durian that looked more like hurricane. Seen from different news feeds, it unleashed mighty winds and never ending rain and tore up houses and uprooted trees and powerlines and phone towers fell. Mud flow from nearby volcano buried 8 villages along with the families. Almost 400 are feared dead. I even saw dead bodies just lying wrapped in blankets and others on top of one another. It's sad to see the sufferings of the residents of Bicol and other provinces and to think it's going to be Christmas in few weeks time. I'm thankful the storm spared Manila and didnt make landfall here or we'd have suffered the wrath of nature.

News and video via gmanews inq7

*edit.. it's 800 now dead or missing and two foreigners missing: one from Australia and the other from New Zealand.

December already and it's holiday season. It's al so the beginning of new month and the last for the year but somehow I don' feel any of the holiday mood. Right now I just feel bare. The giddiness is gone. It's been replaced by empty soul that's been missing the essence of Christmas spirit and the joyous feelings it brings. Not only do I feel the bareness, even the house lacks the trappings of essential holiday mood.

I know 'tis the season to be jolly but hard to enjoy the coming holidays with life being empty and dealing with empty pocket. I want to complain so much but I feel like shit if I do knowing people strucked by that super typhoon are suffering far more worse compared to me.

So in a nutshell happy holidays is more like hollow days. And I *sigh* to that.

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