Monday, December 22, 2003

What online blogging and internet know how can do for Presidential bid

Frank Rich's NYTimes(reg req'd) article: Napster runs for President in 04 puts it clearly..

Should Dr. Dean actually end up running against President Bush next year, For all sorts of real-world reasons, stretching from Baghdad to Wall Street, Mr. Bush could squish Dr. Dean like a bug next November. But just as anything can happen in politics, anything can happen on the Internet. As more Americans use file-sharing software than voted for Mr. Bush in the last The luckiest thing that could happen to the Dean campaign is that its opponents remain oblivious to recent digital history and keep focusing on analog analogies to McGovern and Goldwater instead.

Techie Dean does it. Looks like if he wins Democratic run off for President, his voters would be those of hip young file sharing techie geeks. Hehe

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