Sunday, June 28, 2009

US Supreme Court: Strip Search Unconstitutional

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled, 8 to 1, this week that the strip search of a 13-year-old Arizona girl by school officials who were looking for prescription-strength drugs violated her constitutional rights. The court ruled that officials at Safford Middle School would have been justified had they limited their search to the girl's backpack and outer clothing. But in searching her undergarments, they went too far and violated her Fourth Amendment privacy rights, all the justices—except Clarence Thomas—said. Read the whole article from US News and World Report.

That strip search is clearly a violation especially to a 13 year old girl. The officials of the school should be held accountable for their actions. Yes, they have laws within their premises and confines of the school but they went to far in enforcing that. What they did to the girl was humiliating, demeaning! It's not even cocaine they were searching but an Ibuprofen- generic name for Advil.

Asking a 13 year old to shake her undies and training bras and taking them off to see if there were any illegal drugs and over the counter prescription is porny pedophilia in a way that really is degrading.

The school is like the second home of children. It's place where educators and officials teachers the whole academe should be guiding students.. teaching them importance of law and of rights and teaching them about values, morals and decency.. What happened at Safford Middle School reflects the nature of unconstitutional way they enforce discipline and laws.

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