Thursday, June 04, 2009

Another Casualty of Economic Crisis

Once upon a time, General Motors stood strong and mighty, the world at its feet.

Today, the world prevails, and GM is on its knees.

We are dominoes in the shadow of a tumbling giant.

All fall down.

But falling is not dying.

And we are not dead yet.

Read the whole good article from June 2, 09 Mitch Albom column from the Detroit Free Press.

Of course by now everybody knows of GM bankruptcy. It's shocking ( to me anyway) because they are one of the biggest automakers and yet the company strapped for cash.

There is nothing fun here, nothing good about bankruptcy. But nothing shocking, either. History is full of this lesson. All fall down. What defines you is not how you fall, but how you get up.

Maybe because I am from a developing nation that's why I'm shocked... but such huge company and then all of a sudden bankrupt? Plants closing, workers laid off from their job, GM selling it's stake and government bailing them out.. these trying economic times doesn't really choose it's victims. Read everything and all about GM's fall via Detroit Free Press.

This is gonna sound silly and it really is.. but I'm sort of imagining what if it's a softdrink company that's bankrupt? I know that will never happen... but just think.. running out sodas in all fast food and stores all that dreadful scenario like doomsday .. well perhaps not to those who could care less about sodas. I did say it's silly thought.

Anyway, economy still bleeds.. more (band) aid is needed to stop the flow and end the suffering of the now many unemployed workers.

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