Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Con-Ass My Ass!

Our Philippine legislators showed what Con-Ass they really are! Congressmen Assholes!

They debated and all the way till midnight just so they can vote to convene (illegal?) Constitutional Assembly aka Con- Ass aka voted by Congressmen Assholes!

This is worrying for ordinary citizen like me. This Con- Ass voted by selfish congressmen aligned with President Arroyo. The aim to amend the Constitution is because Congressmen assholes want their term extended, the government to be in a Parliamentary sytem so that Arroyo can be Prime Minister! What a sham(e) this Con-Ass thing. C'mon 10 years of Arroyo and still they want more? It's more than stupidity already. Congressmen Assholes need to be Congressmen Ashamed!

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