Friday, February 27, 2009

The loss of a child is very tragic

Be it a child or many school kids like whats happened in Beslan.. it's gonna be very very sad event. Watching the new and and hearing how 10 year old grade school pupil of Ateneo was hit by moving and died was just painful. No words can comfort sorrow that parents must be feeling as the sudden loss of child. There's shock and hurt and then anger. You will numdb and then questions... why? It's a pity, th whole situation. It's sad for the vicitim's family.. the pain they much be going through losing a their 10 year old boy... but at the same time, I also feel pity for the other side. Pity because.. no mother would ever ever ever try to "kill a child" except maybe if woman is disturbed or an addict or a drunkard. I don't know. The suspect is a mother who also has a son studying in the same schoool. That boywould feel condemnation because he is son of the suspect. It's a a pity for the mom... it's tragedy and pain and sorrow to for the victim. Everybody's suffering.

Prayers are the best answers for guidance, for loss and for the sufferings.

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