Sunday, February 08, 2009

I Dreamnt of Anderson Cooper, haha

I fell asleep last night. Just a quick nap actually and boy, did I had the weirdest dream! Not sure what to make of it. Of all people, why him? Ha ha. I mean, not that it's bad or anything but why can't it be somebody like Jon Hamm!

But Anderson Cooper? He's cool. Mr 360 guy. I have no idea why he was in my dream. In the scene he was like this hotshot guy or the boss and we were working together.. not sure what kind of work. It was break time and coming back from somewhere or going to the pantry or something, we bumped in to each other and kidded around and he lifted me up and I was squeaking, giggling and stuff. Weirdness! and then we sorta hang around and ate snack and we were like comfy with each other he had his arms around me..people kept giving this knowing look. I think He he likes me. Ha ha! then we had to go back to work and then hazy stuff then I woke up. Jeez! I wonder what it means.

I just find it weird. Funny. Sweet and just..silly. I hardly even watch his show on CNN. Well, at least it's not Larry King. The horrors! Ha ha. That'll creep me out!

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