Friday, November 17, 2006

Hiding on empty, captured in full

I some how find myself empathizing with the former Senator Gringo Honasan; the master of disguise, the fugitive soldier who's been hiding for the last nine months was captured by police operatives. Honasan is accused of masterminding the failed overthrow of the Arroyo administration was arrested the other day in the wee hours of the morning in an exclusive subdivision in Quezon City. Read details and report.

If he really wanted to, I guess he wouldn't have been captured. He's been soo good eluding the authorities but reports say he's been in Manila for a month now so I'm leaning towards the theory he's supposed to surrender next month, but yes, maybe the administration double crossed him. Looks like he's interested in running for senator again. Oh boy, he aged! his hair is silver strand of greys and gone is the trademark moustache.I betcha though his charisma is still there. For the benefit of those who don't know Honasan, well.... he was once part of the group that toppled the Marcos regime and he plotted several coup attempts against the Aquino administration.

And the plot comes to an end.. or is it just the beginning of a new chapter?

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