Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The mind talks to nobody

So much to say but can't even say a word. Isn't it funny how we have a lot of things to say and we feel so much but yet can't even say it. I always check my feelings. Some days, I am such a dead giveaway. It's always nice to be fortright and just be blunt about whatever's ailing the mind and troubling the feelings, but I get embarassed. When I don't feel like feeling is when I feel a lot. I have so much inside this mind. I do say a lot when it matters and when I need to but often, I would just shut up. Shrugs to that.

For some unknown reason, I've been humming to Light and shade.

*edit. Late afternoon already. I went to "corporate America" had blah blah blah, did a blah blah for a blah blah. I'm quite tired. I feel hollow. Empty feelings sinks deeper into my emotions. As always.

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