Sunday, July 09, 2006

Seeking answers about humanity

Yahoo answers, one of the many Yahoo services, tapped brilliant, genius physicist, theoretical Author (Brief History of Time, The Universe in a Nutshell) and Univ. Cambridge mathematics Professor Stephen Hawking as one of 10 celebrity questioners for their ask the planet campaign.

The question: In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?"

Nearly 17,000 yahoo user responded. Some had brief answers others gave long ones offering resasons and explanations. Some were vague.

Check the website link. The answers and inputs of people are soo interesting. :)

Officials at the University of Cambridge, where Hawking is a mathematics professor, confirmed that Hawking wrote the message but said he would have no further comment.

Link via SFChronicle

My own two cents worthless piece of answers. To sustain the human race for another one hundred years, well... get rid of all the bad ones (terrorist, muderers..) retain the good ones (hmmm...*thinks*). Find new planet to dwell, copulate, procreate(??? er, hehe). Cloning(?) the best and the brightest individuals (but cloning is bad!....tsk tsk. I'm catholic..sue me!). Get rid of nuclear weapons and missiles.

Yay. I'm not gonna act like I know anything about everything cos honestly I dont... hence my own crappy sentiments. Hehee. I just like to blog about things that interest me.

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