Monday, July 10, 2006

Rotoscoping drug paranoia movie

Blah. I feel lonely :(

Anyway...nothing to blog about so.... Pirates of the Caribbean 2 washing away all the competition. Hehe. It's a box office summer hit! I haven't seen the first one so I don't really care(besides, the only Johnny Depp films I liked were Donnie Brasco and Sleepy Hollow). The movie was shown same day as was A Scanner Darkly (it was only shown though in select cities). Now that's movie I wanna see.

It's a film directed by Richard Linklater (Dazed and Confused, Slackers, Waking life...etc) based on the 1977 sci-fi novel by Philip K. Dick. He used the rotoscope technique as he did with the Waking Life film several years ago. The effect really is like fluid dreamy like animation. That and the story itself about drug, called the Substance D and the paranoia that is induced by it. The movie had favorable good reviews from critics

It may seem odd in this context to talk about performances, but the actors, rotoscoped though they may be, are phenomenal -CSM

The brilliance of "A Scanner Darkly" is how it suggests, without bombast or fanfare, the ways in which the real world has come to resemble the dark world of comic books - LATimes

Rotoscoping makes certain sense for a film about cognitive dissonance and alternative realities, though both the vocal and gestural performances by Mr. Reeves, Mr. Harrelson and, in particular, the wonderful Mr. Downey make me wish that we were watching them in live action -NYTimes

I think the film is not for everybody. "Either you're on it, or you're not'' to quote(R.D Jr's ?) line in the film. Hehee. But but of course, ulitmately the moviegoer will be the ones to decide. Critics review is just there to help guide.....okay maybe influence(?) somewhat. Hehe.

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