Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The saga of that heartbroken MySpace romance

And so the story goes for a young Palestinian man meeting a western girl through (social networking craze of fad right now) and thepromise of love and romance cut short and left pain and anguish and heartbroken feelings.

Abdullah Jimzawi, a 20-year-old high school dropout who lives with his parents in Jericho and Katherine Lester, 16 years old were supposed to meet and have fun, get to know each and marry in the future but sadly....
Lester was en route to Tel Aviv airport when she was intercepted in Amman, Jordan, by U.S. authorities who seized her passport and put her on a flight back to the United States.
Jimzawi, a shy soft-spoken young man with close-cropped hair and a two-day beard lives in Jericho, a town of 17,000 that is largely immune from the violence plaguing the rest of the West bank.
Katherine Lester is now in seclusion with her father after returning from Israel and hasn't spoke to reporterss yet.

Jimzawi was initially reluctant to talk to the media because of what he said was unfair treatment following Lester's ill-fated trip. However, he eventually agreed to be photographed in shorts and sandals, showing AP reporters the computer on which he said he met Lester eight months ago.
Read the whole article and be fascinated by their love story. I feel somewhat sorry for the young man. But I thnk he really should've been the one to go there in Michigan instead of the girl. But anyway he said his next step was to apply for visa so he could travel to the U.S. They should give him one.

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