Sunday, May 28, 2006

The nanny PUK my cell

It's only small incident but I'm Pissed!

The nanny here (that looks after my niece) borrowed my cellphone last night. I didn't want to but I'm such a good one I said okay. But guess what? My phone got PUK! Shit! then she asked are you mad? Damn right I am! I was cursing. I didn't know what she did to my cellphone! obviously PUK it! Never gonna let that nanny use it again. It's a cheap ass cellphone but still it's mine and when somebody borrows something they better take care of it. I didn't wanna fix the cell so she couldnt use it but again out of the goodness of my heart I did. If I was in a good mood, I might've let it pass but was in a foul irritating mood!


Anonymous said...

must be nice to be rich.... and have a nanny

Anonymous said...

Not me! and I don't have a yaya(nany), I'm like freaking old! Haha!