Friday, July 04, 2008

Chasing Liberty

Happy Independence Day to all you Americans out there. Bring out the food and light up the sky with fireworks.

So what is America? It's the Freedom and Democracy. The Declaration of Independence. The Bill of Rights; free to do anything without harming anyone or the society. To worship, to assemble, to protect one's self, free speech, freedom to write -you know what I mean. It is Bravery; men and women fighting battles overseas and sacrificing their lives to preserve independence and democracy of other nations.

For immigrants, to the overseas workers, the refugees and others... it's having the green bucks and embracing the culture and making a living out of Uncle Sam's Nation.

It is all that and much more is has lost it's luster. The glimmer and the shine doesn't reflect the struggles most Americans has to deal with. Yes it is still the land of milk and honey, but Supreme court can curtail Bill of rights (can they?). Judges decide. I sometimes think they're more powerful than the President.

To the people outside of the US- those from the developing countries. America is and still will be the land of free and the home of the brave.

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