Thursday, August 31, 2006

Careful you never know who's reading!

Saw this article. It tells a lot about how one should think what sends via SMS and later on selling that old cellphone! Yikes!

WASHINGTON - The married man's girlfriend sent a text message to his cell phone: His wife was getting suspicious. Perhaps they should cool it for a few days.

"So," she wrote, "I'll talk to u next week."

"You want a break from me? Then fine," he wrote back.

Later, the married man bought a new phone. He sold his old one on eBay, at Internet auction, for $290.

The guys who bought it now know his secret.

The married man had followed the directions in his phone's manual to erase all his information, including lurid exchanges with his lover. But it wasn't enough... Read more

Ugh. And I always send text internationally!

But so okay... isnt' it that all informations are stored in the sim card? or is that stupid question!?! Haha.

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