Monday, September 20, 2004

Biased in the media..

And Bill O'Reilly Got It Right this time

If Fox is for GOP then CNN is for the Democrats.. but the problem with that is journalist, broadcasters losing some credibility in reporting what really is the truth. We are somehow lost in verbal laments and prostrate debates and the biases of media men. Where does one draw the line then? CNN show crossfire has two blabbermouths who works for the Kerry Campaign, Paul Begala and Jame Carville. A for Fox, geesh! the whole network is GOP itself.

The point here according to Frank Rich article in NYTimes is Bill O Reilly attacked CNN for keeping James Carville and Paul Begala as hosts on "Crossfire" after they had joined the Kerry campaign, he fingered yet another symptom of the decline and fall of the American news culture. Mr. Carville have argued that the line wasn't blurred here because the liberal "Crossfire" hosts are unpaid, loosey-goosey Kerry advisers and their show is an opinion-mongering screamfest, not a news program.

No matter how long the overlap between Mr. Carville and Mr. Begala's TV and campaign roles, that brand and CNN itself are now as inextricably bound to the Democrats as Fox is to the Republicans. The network has succeeded in an impossible feat — ceding Mr. O'Reilly the moral high ground. The thing is, The Bush campaign doesn't have to enlist Fox hosts for its staff since they're willing to whore for it without even being asked.

I think individuals who works for election campaign and candidates should be castigated for doing shows which ultimately affects perception and can ulimately change opinions of people especially if all they do is defend their bosse instead of being neutral.

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