Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Theme of the day: War is in the way, vote Bush to stop it!

Speakers talked about war and war and war! Alright already. I get it! A Senator and former Mayor showed vote of confidence for President Bush when it comes to fighting global terrorism and they both lauded him as the only one who can have the leadership and and the conviction to continue the fight against war and terror.

Whoa! no mention of economy, jobs, healthcare and other domestic problems or the agenda for the next four years

I was hoping they'd at least tackle those but I guess that will be brought up next couple of days. After all, it's only the first day of the convention. The need to bring back the shining moment and glory of President Bush after the 9/11 tragedy and the toppling of Saddam was the forefront of the the speeches of two famous moderate Republicans.

Bush was popular back in the days when the whole of America was healing from terrorist attacks and and he enjoyed high marks after toppling Hussein..

And so, on the first day of the convention..it's sprucing up the image of the president!

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