Saturday, December 11, 2010
Social Media and Television.. news
The nightly new shows here have something new to offer the viewing public. See, every time I watch, I noticed that anchors have now been equip with iPads. Before they will just read the new paper and teleprompter. Now, they will will blah blah with the top headlines news and then flip their iPads, they instantly read reactions of views via twitter or FB thereby engaging the viewing public to participate. Socializing with everyone real time, we get to know the pulse and opinion. Pretty soon will probably have SNN... Social News Network. Heh.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Prince William and Kate Middleton Engaged! Royal Wedding Next Year!
A wedding on the internet age! Great!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Still on the topic of Boxing and Paquiao's win...
Quoting Manny Pacquiao on Mayweather... “He needs me,” Pacquiao said. “I don’t need him.”
And because boxing is an brutal entertaining sports.. I was LOL so much with this comment re: Justin Bieber vs Mayweather battle! Epic! Ha ha ha!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Manny Pacquiao still the champ!
*edit.oh and Pacquiao may not need Mayweather anymore. Read comments from that yahoo link, one said of Mayweather, "he is irrelevant and he should retire!" Ha ha. Right on!
Monday, November 08, 2010
Now showing on US politics, John Boehner!
Just for the record I'm hardly a pundit. I'm not American nor do I live in the US. However I'm more fascinated with whats happening there more than what's going here. Politics sucks, and politicians gobble it all up.
Anyway, this post is about the recent victory of Republicans in Midterm elections. With the victory, the GOP regained control of congress. John Boehner, will be the incoming speaker of the House.
From NY Daily:
It was a scene straight out of "Mad Men" - chain-smoking Don Draper denouncing "addictive" cigarettes after his ad agency lost a big tobacco account.Except it was Rep. John Boehner - speaker of the House-in-waiting - on Election Night, enthusiastically ripping into the city that made him what he is.
"For too long, Washington has been doing what's best for Washington, not what's best for the American people," said the man who would be third in line to the presidency.
The sounds of jaws dropping filled the air. Here was a man who epitomized Washington denying he ever had anything to do with the place. The fictional Don Draper would have been proud.
In many ways, Boehner is the Don Draper of D.C. - a chain-smoking, unapologetic Midwesterner in a sharp suit straight out of America, circa 1962. Read more
Who is John Boehner? Among friends, he's just one of the guys.
During Boehner's time in Congress, he's also earned a reputation among reporters and colleagues as having a laid-back demeanor and a penchant for wisecracks. On Thursday, when questioned by ABC's Diane Sawyer about the possibility of a "Slurpee summit" with President Obama, Boehner responded, "I don't know about a Slurpee. How about a glass of merlot?" Read all
Well, suddenly 2012 seems fast approaching. No Palin, please!
Monday, November 01, 2010
OMH! (Oh My Hamm!)
I betcha' Don Draper would never appear on SNL!
News links: NYmag, WSJ blog
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
White is purity, empty is bare
I've had this blog since 2002 and but for the last 6 years the layout has been bare of any clutter save for links, blog archives and the about blah blah. I wanted a new template for this blog without having too much crap. I'll dress you dear blog.. soon.
In the meantime, after 3 years I'm no longer a monkey slave to time and pressure. It's been about a month and half since I tendered the paper to the higher ups. After that, I've been looking and I've been lucky but had to decline two and the other one, I didn't continue. In hindsight, I probably should have accepted the offer.
Anyway, I have a lot of time to spare now hence tinkering with the bare site. Heh. I feel empty just like this blog post.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Last year this time, I woke up in Misery

Friday, September 17, 2010
IE9 Beta Released.. XP Users left out and ignored
In the meantime, Here are 12 Things You Need To Know About IE9 And part of that is the sucky news that XP users cannot download, will not be able to get the new browser because it's exclusive to windows 7 and Vista. Aw. majority of people still uses XP you know. All right. I know it's slowly dying and it's probably the way they want so that people will leave the ageing OS.
Okay so XP is becoming obselete? will be extinct? is an antique? cannot support acceleration and HTML5?
As I'm running my PC using XP prof, and will not be able to download the new browser, I will just try it on with another pc that is running windows 7. I have to buy one first. I'm content with my XP. I never even dared getting a Vista. FF, Chrome, running perfectly.
I don't want to be left out with technology but I'm still happy with my XP and my 3 browsers. Yes, I'm running different browsers . I'll have windows 7 machine. but 'll stick with FF as browser.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The hyping of an idiot
Apparently media/ cable pundits/bloggers/ social networks hyped and sensationalized the idiot's plan to burn the Koran. Terry idiot basked the limelight trying to promote his own radicalism. He loved it. The idiot! And the media... tsk tsk.
Read these: How the media ignite Koran burning story (
What if media had ignored Terry Jones via Mike Thomas article (Orlando Sentinel)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Terry Jones is an Idiot...
His threat to burn Quran/ Koran is such a disgusting idea. Only lunatic will do that. He hates Muslims and the the idea of building a mosque near ground zero. He can hate all he wants but to burn something sacred to Muslims is an act of ignorance and stupidity.
Because we don't want to forget
Nine years after terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center, a memorial and a transportation hub are taking recognizable shape and skyscrapers are finally starting to rise from the ashes of ground zero.
Click the link to read the whole report. It's good and I agree.
9/11 I weep for you
Tower one was burning I saw the planes from the news footage, smashed through the towers. I remember being shocked and awed and stayed throughout the evening into the morning not turning off the t.v. but watched all the news from CNN.
I wept when they showed people trapped inside the burning tower, choosing to jump to save their lives. 40 stories, high even 30 or 20 they all jumped one by one and I shamelessly cried when I saw the images. I wept watching the news and when people couldn't find their love ones in their state of panic. I wept seeing them tired and crying helpless, wandering and wondering where are their families. Even news reporters and anchors couldn't stop the tears flowing from their quivered voices. It was hard for them report on the scene without feeling any emotions.
9/11 changed everything. The way American views things, the way they see the future and how to deal with Muslims. Somehow, America is not safe anymore. Americans are wary and it is understandable. All you have to do is to remember that sunny morning of September 11, 2001 a little over past 8 a.m. A piece of safety and security broken by radicals of Al Qaeda.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Hurricane Katrina five years ago
New Orleans looks to have recovered. The people have risen from the ruins. Resiliency being their weapon. has stories of ruins and recovery: five years after Hurricane Katrina
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Manila, After The Hostage
One policeman's grievance's against being dismissed which caused that officer his job and pension and retirement benefits triggered the craziness in his head.
The whole thing was like 'Speed' the movie. The situation is somewhat the same in some aspects. Difference is that there was no bomb planted on the tourist bus that that crazy policeman took over and held hostage 28 tourist from HK. Instead an m 16 and I don't know what else.
Hostage situation lasted 12 hours that ended in a rainy day assault of the bus killing 8 Hong Kong nationals and wounding the other hostages. That crazy policeman, fired shots and killed the hostages.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I Dont Think There Should be a Mosque near Ground Zero
Building a mosque (more like community center with a mosque inside, developer said) so close to the heart of pain and suffering that 9/11 brought to the people, is an 'insult to New Yorkers.'
I think sensitivity is an issue and a big factor. And yes, have people forgotten 9/11?
The proposed mosque by the Cordoba Initiative is stirring up heated debates for those oppose and in favor. Read more via CBS. See the comments too. People have a lot to say too.
A Mosque maligned - via NY Times. Read the article and the comments too
Islamist expert thinks it's more of political statement.
The question to ask and ponder ... why there? Why the land? Who is funding that? Is it really for cultural identity and to foster relations (with the west or other faiths). Questions left unanswered. So the skeptics.
Okay so American Muslims and Muslims in general are good people. It's the terrorist, extremist and radicals that makes the Muslims bad.
There is nothing wrong building that community center/mosque. They do have good intentions. They need a place where they can gather, pray, worship, teach, foster good relations and mainly a center for the majority of Muslims who needs help whether it be jobs or lawyers, for recreational purposes or just for everyday community center.
I know what they want to achieve with the center/mosque. I'm not an American and I don't live in the US much less NY but if I am...I would want something like that. One that would cater to my culture, where I don't have to feel indifferent because of my race or my faith.
However, building a mosque in NY gives Bin Laden (if he still alive.. is he?) another chance to wipe out New Yorkers. Americans. Al Qaeda and the extremists took years planning that 9/11 attack . A planned mosque/center for Muslims is easy mechanism for extremists. The center can be a tool they can use and service their needs for something that we should all be vigilant
C'mon. Be a realist. Everyone knows what's going to happen if a mosque is to be build in New York so close to ground zero.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Something to read and think..
It is a long 7 page narrative of their ordeal with pacemaker, medicare, doctors and hospital ethics, liability of patient and doctors, dementia, heart attack, modern medicines...I can go on. It's informative painful way of sharing what the family did and the risk and the decision making that comes into important situations.
I admit I don't know anything about these things but my grandma had dementia (I think It was) but she was sane. God bless her soul. Although in her case, it did not come to point the where we had to make decisions because of sickness.
The article is full of information for research for knowing what to do and what not and how to do so if put in such a situation. I don't know.. just figured it's interesting.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Talking Movies: Catcher in the Rye Movie?
JD Salinger always insisted The Catcher in the Rye was "unactable" and refused to let Hollywood anywhere near his masterpiece. But six months after his death, producers believe their chances of landing film rights to The Catcher in The Rye, considered the "holy grail" of scripts, are improving and a movie could be on the horizon.
Salinger maintained an intractable grip over the book during his lifetime and his publishers have insisted the rights are still not for sale. I suggest read the whole article.
Young stars of yester years (now they're old) dying to play Holden Caulfield. I wonder who best to pay the part...
I just hope I don't have to puke watching the movie if there is one. He he.. in Caulfield mode.
Talking Movies: The Godfather
Godfather movie mafia mobster gangster awesome. One of the best films ever made.
The marathon started 4 in the morning. I actually waited for it. The I watched the second part around 7 but I was getting sleepy already but still I watched about an hour. I ignored part three cos I was sleepy when I woke up and turned on the telly.. Andy Garcia was blabbing. Hehe.
In the original Godfather, Al Pacino who played Michael Corleone, looks like Robert Downey Jr. If ever they make a remake, I want Downey (or Depp?) to play that role. They're probably too old for the part anyway and I sincerely doubt they will ever consider to do remake of a classic.
I'll see what on' the telly now. Maybe a classic again :D
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Hotel Hopping = tummy overload :D
Then I went back to Amici cos I left something and I wanted a gelato. When I got home I saw boxes of Krispy Kreme. Ha ha.
Food trip is fun. Nothing can beat Sydney's Ritz Carlton (I think) overload tall ice cream. I miss it. Plus baby back ribs at the steak house in Balmoral. I wanna go back :)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Google Doodle.. This Time It's Pac-Man
Remember those arcade games? How about the Atari ones. Fraggle rock? Ha ha. What about game watch and the games they have.. err. donkey kong? :D
And now it's PSP, Nintendo, Wii.. Xbox. it's sooo different. I wanna play Silent Hill. Haha
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Freedom is Still Elusive
Relatives refused to give him up. Federal agents raided his uncle with guns drawn and seized the boy from a closet to return him to his father. (A/P MiamiHerald)
Now 16, Cuba released photo of Teenager Elian attending a Young Communist Union congress.

Instead of a Miami Dolphins Jersey, "Cuba released photos of one-time exile cause celeb Elian Gonzalez wearing an olive-green military school uniform." Elian Gonzalez is what youthful subjugation looks like when a boy, a heartbeat from freedom, is deprived the liberty Little Havana fought to hard, but failed to deliver
If Elian had been granted asylum, today he would be a teenager preparing to go to college with every opportunity for success ahead of him. Instead, on the cusp of adulthood, Elian poses for propaganda photos sandwiched between Cuban army soldiers attending the Union of Young Communists congress in Havana.
The youthful Gonzalez should have been wrapped in the America flag. Instead a boy who once represented the quest for the God given right to be free, waves a Cuban flag symbolizing poverty, oppression, authoritarianism and misinformation.
Free people should take a good, long look at Elian Gonzalez and observe what our nation has the potential to become ten years down the line if, instead of moving in the opposite direction, America's row boat continues to inch closer to Cuba's shores.
Yes, quite sad. Elian just sits there with dazed look. A propaganda shot.
Sunday, April 04, 2010
iPad Launched....for the rich
I wish Steve Jobs and those geniuses at Apple can give us product to help better the lives of the poor instead of enriching the already well to do who can afford to waste $$$$ for their gadgets.
In other words create a product that we majority can afford to buy. Here in this country, if you own any Apple product.. you're a Mac fanatic and you speak of money. It's a status symbol. That's a fact.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Me, and my 1460 Docs

Grunge girl back then.(I still am).
Wearing black shirt (with a big neon smiley face), blue plaid polo, blue jeans short, black socks and 1460 DM's. I look like a friggin' shit back then. C'mon this was 90's.
And though you barely can see, the backdrop for the shot is a famous bridge, mate. I was suppose to put this photo on another site. It's fine here
I have a save draft about being a grunge. I'll post it next time.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
500 Days of Summer.. of nothing
So I wanted to make an entry to my codexed journal.. but I have noting to say. It's been almost a year since I last made a post to WP. I hardly blog anymore here. All because I have nothing to say. I have no mate, I have no friends, (okay I do, about 5 of them) hence Facebook and all that other social media websites don't interests me at all. Plus I really don't want to know whatever it is that they put in there.
I miss life before my Mama passed away. I've moved on but still, it's so different. I miss summer. I miss the fun. I miss the usual things that reminds of how life used to be.
I'm sleepy. I'll probably stare some more and hit the sack. No intellectually stimulating conversation on hand. Wake me up when summer ends.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Tiger, you owe me nothing ... too
Maybe to those who look up to him as a role model (not anymore!) he needs to say something.
Sure he's public figure and whatever he does is subject to a lot of scrutiny and he has to deal with it and explain whatever needs to be explained. The prying minds would like to get the full story. What really happened on that early morning of November, right after thanksgiving? People are curious. What's the deal with that? Speak up they say. Tell your side of the story. He owes it to the public who cheered him on, the kids who look up to him, his colleagues and fellow players. Say something.. voiced the majority.
But I'm those in the minority. I don't really want to know. Yes I'm curious but it's not gonna break me or make any difference whether he says something or anything or nothing at all. It's his personal life. Whatever he does when he's not playing golf is his alone.
Ok. So he apologized for his cheating ways and admitted to having extra marital affairs and to cheating his wife (btw, all these are just common for politicians.. ha ha). 'Nuff said
I don't really want to know anymore.
Monday, February 08, 2010
Whats To Rave About Johnny Rockets?
Went to Eastwood with my sister, my niece and nephew. We ate at Johnny Rockets (no pics haven't uploaded them) . Sorry but there's nothing to rave about the food. Nothing extra ordinary about their burgers and fries. Chicken Tenders was so dry. Burgers are too small and I'm not talking about their kiddie meal. What's worse, prices are so unreasonable. They jack it up.
Service is slow. Servers are so-so. 12% Vat is 204 pesos and service charge is 190 pesos.
I don't mind paying that amount but with the kind of was not well spent. The whole dining experience sucked. I left feeling hungry. Should have gone to nearby Italianis instead.
The only thing nice about the diner is the jukebox machine and the classic Norman Rockwell like photos hanging on the wall.
Mc Donalds you're still my fav. Love kita!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Catcher In the Rye Author passed away
J.D Salinger died yesterday, age 91 in N.H. He's the man who articulated so much in an intimate way the voice of the angst driven youth.
Weird. Two days ago, I just felt like reading his famous book, Catcher in the Rye for the gazillion times already . So I read it past 12 midnight, then last night, I saw a news ticker that the author passed away. Well, the man who started the angst driven alienated teen, died a recluse and has never allowed his famous book to become a movie. Now that he's dead, I wonder if see we'll one.

Back to J.D Salinger. I don't know anything about him. He is a literary icon. A recluse who guarded his privacy to the very end. He gave something to think about and ponder with the books he wrote. The characters in which we immersed ourselves. His books will always remind us what a great author he was.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Bill Gates 2.0. and our 'Windows' to his.. life
Well.. I guess he's worth.. blogging. He created the OS that majority of people still use.
And speaking of joining, on this day five years ago January 01, 2005.. I signed up with web 2.0. pioneer Flickr.
Friendster was the one who (correct me if I'm wrong) pioneered and elevate what is social networking now. I remember everybody was crazy about that site so much so that in our school some years ago, it was banned and we couldn't go to the internet lab and browse through the site.
I remember Napster too. Who doesn't? and the fall from grace. And going back further.. back in the late 90's.. ICQ and YM msnger was the way to keep up and chat with friends.
Reminiscing..he he...yeah, I'm ancient already =)
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Kraft and Cadbury in a deal.....
Of course the British chocolate maker.. workers are not happy. They're hurt that an American company took over their National Pride. Can't fault them.. it's a bloody English chocolate It's a national brand.
So can we expect more cheese in our chocolates? Cheese and choco fondue perhaps? How about chocolate cheesecake? Ha ha. All I can say, I love cheese and chocolates.