Friday, November 20, 2009

I get it, I don't think so, I don't really care....

In reference to the craze that is New Moon.. Twilight Saga. I've never read the book nor do I have any interest doing so. I like vampires movies. Hello? Lost boys! I like that movie. But Twilight? Nah. It just doesn't interest me. I guess I'm not in the league of the the majority.

What I'm excited about is watching Shining Through. ETC (I think) will show that old film this weekend. My sister and I really like that movie. Brings back memories of.. ages 80's. I know me is oldie. Another movie that we like is called Stealing Home...weep not for memories. He he.

Yawning here.. blogging off.

1 comment:

Kate said...

haha, ive just flicked through a set of blogs and saw yours and found the fact that you have hardly any pics interesting. I LOVE the shining and it always brings back memories too..although what memories those are idk. maybe its the music..? idk. anyway...also bought "to kill mocking bird" a few months back and still not got to read it yet.
so, just a quick comment to say that i found your blog entertaining...and lay off cadbury..ts brilliant! fellow brit here :P blogging off!!! :P