Thursday, April 26, 2007

And the Blahg (still) goes on

About convicted U.S. Marine Daniel Smith... news is that he's in the hospital (either Asian Hospital, St. Lukes or Makati Med) for treament. Uhm, every one has the right to be treated if there's an ailment. Okay. Some folks are complaining. Geez!

Then there's the news about Slain US Peace corp volunteer Julia Campbell. She was killed in Ifugao while hiking alone. They say a wood carver man killed her while buying a refreshment in nearby store. She was possibly bludgeoned to death but she fought back. It's shame. I mean here is good person doing volunteer work in the country, helping poor people and children and Julia Campbell didn't deserved to be killed.

Related news: How did Julia die? , 18 pieces of evidence

Election time here in the country is just 3 weeks aways, as usual we're inundated with campaign crap and other shittiness and promises of everything and nothing. Ha!

And one last blogging bit...

Oh my. Looks like Scientists may have found a new earth like planet that is habitable by humans. Oh yeah, talk about 'Second Life' (maybe I can be Skyedagger- my second life ident), the planet is named 581 C ( sounds like hospital room. Heh) and here are some stats about the potentially new planet:

Five times heavier than Earth. Has a diameter about 1 1/2 times bigger than our planet. Star system is a mere 20.5 light years away, making Gliese 581 one of the 100 closest stars to Earth. Gravity is 1.6 times as strong as Earth's so a 150-pound person would feel like 240 pounds. Anyone sitting on the planet would get heavier quickly, and birthdays would add up fast since it orbits its star every 13 days. Read more.

Okay. I will end my blog here. Adios. And I wish I have a new computer. Anykind hearted people? Ack. Where's fairy godmother Oprah!? Heh.

Blogging off now.

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