Tuesday, December 20, 2005

See evil, hear evil, stop evil AKA spying!

President Bush in a controversy again about domestic spying. He admitted such spying had taken place. From USA Today report
In this latest case, the administration authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on international phone calls and e-mails of people within the USA without court approval. It defends the practice by saying post-9/11 plots have been broken up
Yikes..I wouldn't want my calls screened! Don't want snoop dogs out there listening to my conversations and screening my emails.. that's privacy violation. It's kinda like wiretapping..American way. Ugh.
While it is essential that the government take action to stop such attacks before they happen, the administration has yet to explain why it needs to act without a warrant to accomplish this
Sure, it's nice to capture and know what the heck terrorists are up to...but may be they need to do something pratical and important like.. don't let anybody enter airports with guns! Check thoroughly for weapons of hijackand terrorists destructions.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course, if you are learned, you must know that every president since FDR has done exactly the same thing...Clinton used this little ploy twice in his years in the Big House. This is nothing new, just another politcal stunt.