Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Cinderella bleeds
As she read and re read, she felt sad and bitter. Mostly for the poignancy of everything
She has always been grateful and thankful. Never complaining. Always giving. As the chapter of life ends and book seemingly closes, I want a fairytale.
Monday, September 25, 2006
The politics of peace and religion
I know I didn't make any sense. I wanted to post about things inside my mind. Whatever really! It's raining now. I'll blog out. Maybe I'll delete this. Yes.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
So who's brain is better, huh?
So, the Brain of the woman is well more equipt to handle everything, in softer kinder way, and men, they tend to shut the crap up. Well pardon, obviously I'm female and think some aspects of the men's brain is really much more better than women. They excel more (though now there are more bums than ever. Heh) and sure they "think about sex every 52 seconds, while a woman does only once a day, while a woman does only once a day." Baloney! There are a lot of nymphos out there who always think about (having) sex every 52 seconds! (oh not fricking me, I belong to nunnery once a day..or week perhaps..swear not lying, hehe). But I think this right here "a woman knows what people are feeling, while a man can't spot an emotion unless somebody cries or threatens bodily harm" is not really true, I mean, yes, it is right but not all right is true. There are men who are sensitive who can spot feelings. But maybe most of them are just defensive to readily admit that they do feel. Wimpy willow! Heh.
So the consensus: men are good, but women are better? Uhm, I don't how to use mac! Er, cos I don't have one!
Friday, September 22, 2006
Hounding barks, frightening dream
*edit.. Siesta time. Boredom blog. Bad me! I didn't go to the blah blah for some blah bah. I let it pass..yet again! Had a bit of white lie (we all make white lies from time to time!). I reason upset stomach. And earlier, I just didn't feel like it again.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Too fast too furious

If you don't know who he is, you don't obviously watch BBC's Top Gear motor show and you probably wouldn't give a shit. But I watch the show, the presenters are charming, plus cars are awesome! Richard is one of three presenters (along with Jeremy Clarkson and James May)
And this according to Clarkson "I would just like to say how heartened Richard will be when I tell him just how many motorists and truck drivers on my way here wound down their windows to say they were rooting for him."
Aww, sweet really. Hope the " Hammond " recovers and be back presenting.
Monday, September 18, 2006
New word to hate: "Repurposing"
Yeouch! Got me thinking now. Hmm, I wonder if I'm guilty of"repurposing?" Eh, I don't think I am so but anyhow, my blog is just amateur wannabe trying hard to be professional but failing by long long standards plus it's personal crap hardly newsies but when I blog a certain news item from other newsources- like many online news sites- (yahoo and others, I give credit and links). I don't post anything as my own 'cept my personal dramatics and nonsensical social commentary only I would bother to blog about.
And yes, plagiarism definitely sucks and is evil. Heck one blog entry I made was plagiarized before.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
On a sunday morning, hunting high and low
So what's for breakfast right? My thoughts and they are good. Freeflowing with richnesss only I could I taste. I'll share it but, it's contagious. Either it'll bring one to madness or I get slammed but whichever, I'll still share...the hunger.
*edit. But I eat
Late pm: I'm redundant. Thesame blog for now (minus breakfast whine).
Fuck. I'm grinning! Stoooooop it! to feel a feel is but wonderful, even as I'm the only one who feels. I don't care. It's stupid really(on my part) but as long as I feel, I'm fucking alive! And thelark
No need to apologize
Pope Benedict cited the words of a Byzantine emperor who characterized some of the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad as "evil and inhuman," particularly "his command to spread by the sword the faith."The pontiff did not endorse that description, but he did not question it, and his words set off a firestorm of protests across the Muslim world
The Pope said he regretted offending Muslims with the remarks he made, I don't think he needs to apologize!
I won't expound and give any long blog thoughts because it's about religionism and plus I don't really know the whole philosophy of being Muslim. But as a Catholic, I could say a lot about Catholicism and it's doctrines but I won't. I know nobody reads this crap but one might chanced upon this and I don't think I'd want to inflame anybody's beliefs and whatever the hell their religion might be.
Newslink via Yahoo/AP
Saturday, September 16, 2006
US supreme court transcripts now free online
Coupled with another recent innovation, the identification in the transcripts of which justice is asking a particular question, the court's new policy "creates the potential for more intelligent speculation by more people than just those who were in the courtroom.(WashPost)
I don't think we'll see these mighty oldies in black robes pretty soon in our idiot box but at least trasncript are now free. If you're potential lawyer in the works, this is helpful.
I'm sleepy. *yawns*. I feel like lazy tired kitten. Hungry as well. Damn. I'm always either sleepy, tired or hungry. I bore myself!
Friday, September 15, 2006
The big F

I'm hungry and haven't eaten. It's hellish outside.
*edit... forgot to add. I'm giving myself a pat on the back. I did a random act of kindness earlier :) Not much really, but I bought me a large orange juice from Starbucks and after couple of sips, didn't feel like it anymore. I looked for some streetkids loitering but couldn't find any then I saw this young girl pushing a cart and sweeping the streets. Yep, you guessed it right... I gave my still full to the brim juice to her. Got rewarded with a smile and a thanks. I guess that made it up for feeling disconsolate (not really *sigh*). Oh well it was so freaking hot and she was cleaing the street so...
Shit. I a think I just didn't feel like carrying a large cup of juice! But nah.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
The mind is fragile
On the other hand I'm crushing and it gives me something to feel. I'm sleep bound for now. Maybe in a little while.
Monday, September 11, 2006
9/11 lest we forget..
9/11 (with Allen Ginsberg in mind)
by Andrei Codrescu
9/11, I can barely remember you, they’ve buried you in so much hype!
9/11 I wept when you were first on television! I wept for New York, for the dead, for all of us, for myself, for the world!
9/11, I was sure that the world had changed forever because bad guys wanted America dead and hated us because we listen to rock 'n' roll and wear no miniskirts on our naked faces!
Click the links to read or listen to the whole poem. It's the reality of the sad tragedy.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
And now I'm tired. I don't think I''ll stay all the way till sunrise. Mmm, I wouldn't mind a back rub.
I'm hungry and sleepy. The knackered one off to la la land.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
The madman and his cohorts
Video footage in which Osama bin Laden is shown meeting some of the hijackers responsible for the 11 September attacks on New York and Washington was aired last night on al-Jazeera television. In the film Bin Laden is seen sitting with Mohammed Atef, a former lieutenant, and Ramzi Binalshibh, another suspected planner of the suicide hijackings. Bin Laden is also shown greeting several of what the tape said were the hijackers. The film, produced by As-Sahab, al-Qa'ida's media branch. (Belfast Telegraph)
All I can say is bless this world we live in. Get those terrorists!
Friday, September 08, 2006
The illusionist or delusionist

Just a thought before I blagh out. For Catholics 08 Sept is Mama Mary's Day. So now you know.
Oh and uhm, by the way, maybe title fits British PM Blair! said to be resigning within a year. Perhaps a realist. Politics kills us all, if you noticed! Hah.
Psycho rambling goes on and I still bleed from the mind. Thinking. Oh well, there's always comfort.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Raging bull...
36-year-old assistant coach of a youth football team from San Joaquin County, watched a kid blindside his 13-year-old son at a game in Stockton. In response, Petero basically lost his mind. On the video, he can be seen sprinting onto the field. He tracks down the kid on the other team and rams him from behind, knocking him flat. The sight of Petero, a grown man, clobbering the kid is enough to make anyone wince.
What kind of man would do something like that? What kind of father would allow himself to lose control so completely? Can you imagine someone who would?
I can. Me.
The kid saw a chance to tee off on a smaller, unsuspecting kid, and he did it. Petero's blood must have boiled. Bet he wishes he'd managed to control his temper. Continue reading
Haaay, just blogging this. Life's a lesson.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Croc hunter, Dead!
The job killed him. If it wasn't the crocs, it was bound to be something of animal nature.. but a stingray? Now you know how dangerous those stingrays are.