Arrrrgh. Whew. One of those early morning Fridays. Heh. I'm staring. As usual. Meandering of the mind plays. I'm full of thoughts about nothing and everything. Personal bleedings of the mind. Matters of importance to me. It's mostly the great expectations. Failed endeavors of fucked matters of the soul..which left me feeling a bit phobia..tic. Still trying to be optimistic. I will try once more but I don't expect much now. Dont wanna be crushed again and feel the need to drown once more in my own sorrow.

I should put this in the journal but don't feel like babbling crap there. the journal is full of heart and feelings and once I start I won't be able to stop and whine will turn sour and I need some cheese for that so.. here is where this accomodates a short personal social sentiment. I must be having delusional thoughts right now. Blah. I'm currently not reading the book on the left. Halfway through, I got bored. Must be me I guess... or the book sucks! I dunno. I'm pretty sure
I'll delete this nonsense blog later for it doesn't really make sense. Just psycho babbling here.
Just a thought before I blagh out. For Catholics 08 Sept is Mama Mary's Day. So now you know.
Oh and uhm, by the way, maybe title fits British PM Blair! said to be
resigning within a year. Perhaps a realist. Politics kills us all, if you noticed! Hah.
Psycho rambling goes on and I still bleed from the mind. Thinking. Oh well, there's always comfort.
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