Good morning. Why the hell am I still awake? I've been trying to do some html geeky coding with the other test page. I took a break and browsed the web, read some articles and blogs. Now I'm set to rest my sleepy eyes.
I've had this blog since 2002 and but for the last 6 years the layout has been bare of any clutter save for links, blog archives and the about blah blah. I wanted a new template for this blog without having too much crap. I'll dress you dear blog.. soon.
In the meantime, after 3 years I'm no longer a monkey slave to time and pressure. It's been about a month and half since I tendered the paper to the higher ups. After that, I've been looking and I've been lucky but had to decline two and the other one, I didn't continue. In hindsight, I probably should have accepted the offer.
Anyway, I have a lot of time to spare now hence tinkering with the bare site. Heh. I feel empty just like this blog post.