Thursday, April 24, 2003

Teehee..geesh, sometimes you really can't helpt it. Couple of journalists and soldiers wer're found to be the main culprit for missing or looted Artifacts and Museum stuff and money too. Yikers. At least 15 paintings, gold-plated firearms, ornamental knives, Iraqi government bonds and other items have been seized at airports in Washington, Boston and London in the last week, .I guess seeing those tons of money and very expensive Paintings and other Saddam Luxuries(yeah, while Iraqis are getting hungry), their eyes went bonkers.

Friday, April 18, 2003

So, do people have sex even on a Holy Week?
Yesterday was maundy Thursday, today is good Friday. Heh, I wonder if people are being good and not having sex! Wahahahaaha! I think that for some horny men and doesn't even matter be it the lent season or not..hmm.. what should you(not) do?

Been in the the news that there's this strong typhoon brewing over..Yay, typhoon in summer? Get outta here! I like rain I hate floods if there's a storm.. I just want puddle of of mudd! haha ehh yeah, I like that band too..hehehe..* blogs off and sings blurry*

Sunday, April 13, 2003

Nothing like seeing live moving news roll...'s like watching a movie.Just been watching CNN earlier(though am not now cos head hurts) and Brent Sadler reporting live..real time..

Friday, April 11, 2003

News Celebrity

Since the constant news of the war In Iraq 10 news stars emerge.. uhmm, I'll add my favorites..Bill Neely(ITV/n) and John Simpson(BBC). One that I dont like... Rageh Omaar..hahahaa
Should blogging be considered as journalistic tool? CNN is one of the first to openly come out against it.... more from cyber journalist

me thinks weblogs are or blogging is some sort of a personal pda online of people cos it's used more for events/calendar/some short thoughts

Thursday, April 10, 2003

From Instapundit , Mr.Glen blogs....
start looking for Salam Pax. Everybody wonders where he is, how he's doing, and what he thinks.

Eh..would they make a movie out of " Baghdad through my eyes-- from the journal of Salam Pax"..hahaha :)
Relief, liberation..and looting!
Hehehehe..yeah and it's understandable cos the Iraqi people has been oppressed under the Saddam's power but more tyrant to do that..and war is over.. I think. Yey :^___^. One funny bit of scene.. even the plastic flowers (from inside ministry buildings) were looted...yeah imagine that! hehe. Well, one hopes that with this liberation of the Iraqis from the hands of the tyrant, there wouldn't anymore bombings going and that basic neccessities(food, water, medical help) be given to the people.. I'm gonna stop blogging about this war thingie thing..hehehe..gets tiring and boring now..hehe :)

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Just my opinion
several journalist got killed(again) earlier in the day and well, it's the hazards of their profession. Being in the combat zone accidentally or not, one's bound to be caught in defence of the military...they're just doing what they have to protect themselves from the snipers..somewhere..and from the journalists side. The reporter from BBC(Rageh Omaar) said there weren't really any RPG or snipers in the(Palestine) hotel

Monday, April 07, 2003

Just a thought

I figured this..if all the the bombs and artillery shells that's been falling in Iraq right now are foods and the thanks are not the armored ones but water tanks..Iraqi civilians wouldn't be hungry and thirsty.

Sunday, April 06, 2003

After Michael kelly's death, another journalist has died in Iraq(but not battle related) and it's David Bloom who works for NBC...

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

The joke's on Saddam!
It's April fools day..Hahahaha.Maybe he thinks he's still in control..hehee well, it's not called April fools day for nothing..Teeeheee..