I always remember September 11, 2001. I'm not American but I don't have to be one to share the grief, sadness and anger with what transpired 9 years ago. I remember what I was doing and where was I when it happened. It was evening, (local time here) I was chatting online and surfing the net but at the same time watching t.v. in my room. Breaking news flashed on the screen and I see that World Trade Center is burning. Pentagon, Pennsylvania also reported that planes have crashed.
Tower one was burning I saw the planes from the news footage, smashed through the towers. I remember being shocked and awed and stayed throughout the evening into the morning not turning off the t.v. but watched all the news from CNN.
I wept when they showed people trapped inside the burning tower, choosing to jump to save their lives. 40 stories, high even 30 or 20 they all jumped one by one and I shamelessly cried when I saw the images. I wept watching the news and when people couldn't find their love ones in their state of panic. I wept seeing them tired and crying helpless, wandering and wondering where are their families. Even news reporters and anchors couldn't stop the tears flowing from their quivered voices. It was hard for them report on the scene without feeling any emotions.
9/11 changed everything. The way American views things, the way they see the future and how to deal with Muslims. Somehow, America is not safe anymore. Americans are wary and it is understandable. All you have to do is to remember that sunny morning of September 11, 2001 a little over past 8 a.m. A piece of safety and security broken by radicals of Al Qaeda.