Sunday, March 04, 2007

Give decency to those who served

Hartford Courant editorial: Protecting military funerals (click to read in full)
People who lay their lives on the line or are killed while serving in the armed forces deserve dignified military burials; respect for such rituals is the least that is owed their grieving relatives and friends. But, sadly, even such basic rules of civil conduct are under siege.
Regardless of how one feels about God, gays or the war in Iraq, military services for the dead are inappropriate forums for protests. For those who refuse to acknowledge this basic tenet of decency, state Sen. Leonard Fasano, R-North Haven, has crafted legislation that would make it illegal to disrupt a military burial, funeral or memorial service.
Senate Bill 319, "An Act Concerning Disruption of a Military Funeral," is a good piece of legislation. It's clear and it's restrained.

A veteran or a soldier killed in wartime deserves the decency and respect of a dignified burial. Their survivors deserve whatever comforts such a service can provide.
Indeed it is good piece of legislation. Everybody has the right to protest and to be heard but please show some decency to the dead.

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