Give war a chance? I've seen and heard that reference while watching the cable news and browsing sites. Israel has the right right to defend itself from those rockets raining on them. My thoughts exactly. [edit 24.06]
They say is a conflict but really it's like a war with bombs and rockets going off in Israel and Lebanon and people leaving in exodus. Innocent civilians(on both sides) caught in the fighting as they flee for safety and plea for peace.
The latest news is that Israel might launch a full scale invation to stop the Hezbollah.
Annan said Hezbollah's actions in launching rockets into Israel and abducting Israeli soldiers "hold an entire nation hostage" and set back prospects for Middle East peace.
Anyway, the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah continues as rockets fall inside Israel and bombs shower Lebanon. So many people fleeing the dangerous situation. The foreign nationals evacuating by the thousands and then there are the locals who's feeling the chaos thats happening in their homeland. Tough for all these people and children especially. I see the news and everybody looks tired and weary and scared. Who wouldn't be!
I wouldn't want to experience anything like that. I mean sirens blaring warning of rockets going off and bombing would be everywhere. Just the mere thought of bombs makes me shudder. What more if similar things happened here in Manila. But I seriously doubt anything like that would occur. Save for a coup d' eta t(we've had so many it's like yeah okay it's bloodless revolution..but you'll never know) or an all out war happens(knock on wood!) and Americans need allies to join (Philippines being one of them) then we would be forced to do something. I mean our soldiers. Yikes.
It's scary what's been going and seeing the news about rockets going off and bombs falling. Both Israel and Lebanon have had casualties. People are suffering with this crisis. The "Road Map to Peace" has been shelled and bomb.
It must be said though that Israel's fight is with the Hezbollah and not the Lebanon itself. Hezbolla (I think) is based inside Lebanon and the thing is the government isn't doing anything at all to stop Hezbolla from launching those rockets to Israel. I think everything started because two Israeli soldiers were kidnapped or captured by the Hezbollah and then everything escalated to what it is now.
As I sit here and do this blogs others are fearing for their safety. Lets all hope everything will be resolve.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Monday, July 17, 2006
Accused Marine Daniel Smith speaks out
Lance cpl Daniel smith, the U.S. Marine accused of raping a Filipina, is telling his side in response to questions submitted through his lawyer by The Associated Press.
What he said...
"I think it's horrible what I've been accused of"
"This place has taken a year off of my life that I can never get back and I just hope the lies will stop and the people will start to see the truth,"
"My career and my life in general has come to a screeching halt,"
Well..there's always two sides to the story. That's his side and the complainant, pretty well shielded has had her time in court testifyingto everything that has happened her the night of the alleged rape.
Btw, I hope I won't be condemned by saying this but..... Daniel Smith is a cutie!
Click for more blog related post (since obviously not using Word Press so can't do categories).
What he said...
"I think it's horrible what I've been accused of"
"This place has taken a year off of my life that I can never get back and I just hope the lies will stop and the people will start to see the truth,"
"My career and my life in general has come to a screeching halt,"
Well..there's always two sides to the story. That's his side and the complainant, pretty well shielded has had her time in court testifyingto everything that has happened her the night of the alleged rape.
Btw, I hope I won't be condemned by saying this but..... Daniel Smith is a cutie!
Click for more blog related post (since obviously not using Word Press so can't do categories).
Friday, July 14, 2006
Billionaire Boys Club...
I'm just looking at the Forbes website and reading about and finding out who are the World Youngest Billionaires and America's Youngest CEOs. There's a bit of gossip there as well. Hehe.
Google founders (Sergey Brin,32 Larry Page, 33) tops them all and a Prince as well.. with a very long name :). As for the Young CEOs.. Matthew McCauley(he's only 33) of Gymboree childrens clothing. Michael Rubin-GSI Commerce Michael Chaser-Nasdaq listed Blackboard and others as well so click the links to know who these richie richie dudes are.
Man, these billionaires are just wow. I need to think of an internet based idea with billion bucks potential that would propel me to be right there with the boys and also just because there aren't any women in the list. Ack. Boo hoo. I'll be the first.. yeah right! =)
Google founders (Sergey Brin,32 Larry Page, 33) tops them all and a Prince as well.. with a very long name :). As for the Young CEOs.. Matthew McCauley(he's only 33) of Gymboree childrens clothing. Michael Rubin-GSI Commerce Michael Chaser-Nasdaq listed Blackboard and others as well so click the links to know who these richie richie dudes are.
Man, these billionaires are just wow. I need to think of an internet based idea with billion bucks potential that would propel me to be right there with the boys and also just because there aren't any women in the list. Ack. Boo hoo. I'll be the first.. yeah right! =)
Thursday, July 13, 2006
War and Conflict in the M.E
Israel Attacks Beirut(AP/Yahoo]
Looks like Israel has a lot on their hands and armor fighting two wars- Palestinians and Hezbolla. With two of their Soldiers captured by Hezbolla and then one soldier still in the hands of Palestinian last week. Hmm...where's the road map to peace?
Looks like Israel has a lot on their hands and armor fighting two wars- Palestinians and Hezbolla. With two of their Soldiers captured by Hezbolla and then one soldier still in the hands of Palestinian last week. Hmm...where's the road map to peace?
Monday, July 10, 2006
Rotoscoping drug paranoia movie
Blah. I feel lonely :(
Anyway...nothing to blog about so.... Pirates of the Caribbean 2 washing away all the competition. Hehe. It's a box office summer hit! I haven't seen the first one so I don't really care(besides, the only Johnny Depp films I liked were Donnie Brasco and Sleepy Hollow). The movie was shown same day as was A Scanner Darkly (it was only shown though in select cities). Now that's movie I wanna see.
It's a film directed by Richard Linklater (Dazed and Confused, Slackers, Waking life...etc) based on the 1977 sci-fi novel by Philip K. Dick. He used the rotoscope technique as he did with the Waking Life film several years ago. The effect really is like fluid dreamy like animation. That and the story itself about drug, called the Substance D and the paranoia that is induced by it. The movie had favorable good reviews from critics
It may seem odd in this context to talk about performances, but the actors, rotoscoped though they may be, are phenomenal -CSM
The brilliance of "A Scanner Darkly" is how it suggests, without bombast or fanfare, the ways in which the real world has come to resemble the dark world of comic books - LATimes
Rotoscoping makes certain sense for a film about cognitive dissonance and alternative realities, though both the vocal and gestural performances by Mr. Reeves, Mr. Harrelson and, in particular, the wonderful Mr. Downey make me wish that we were watching them in live action -NYTimes
I think the film is not for everybody. "Either you're on it, or you're not'' to quote(R.D Jr's ?) line in the film. Hehee. But but of course, ulitmately the moviegoer will be the ones to decide. Critics review is just there to help guide.....okay maybe influence(?) somewhat. Hehe.
Anyway...nothing to blog about so.... Pirates of the Caribbean 2 washing away all the competition. Hehe. It's a box office summer hit! I haven't seen the first one so I don't really care(besides, the only Johnny Depp films I liked were Donnie Brasco and Sleepy Hollow). The movie was shown same day as was A Scanner Darkly (it was only shown though in select cities). Now that's movie I wanna see.
It's a film directed by Richard Linklater (Dazed and Confused, Slackers, Waking life...etc) based on the 1977 sci-fi novel by Philip K. Dick. He used the rotoscope technique as he did with the Waking Life film several years ago. The effect really is like fluid dreamy like animation. That and the story itself about drug, called the Substance D and the paranoia that is induced by it. The movie had favorable good reviews from critics
It may seem odd in this context to talk about performances, but the actors, rotoscoped though they may be, are phenomenal -CSM
The brilliance of "A Scanner Darkly" is how it suggests, without bombast or fanfare, the ways in which the real world has come to resemble the dark world of comic books - LATimes
Rotoscoping makes certain sense for a film about cognitive dissonance and alternative realities, though both the vocal and gestural performances by Mr. Reeves, Mr. Harrelson and, in particular, the wonderful Mr. Downey make me wish that we were watching them in live action -NYTimes
I think the film is not for everybody. "Either you're on it, or you're not'' to quote(R.D Jr's ?) line in the film. Hehee. But but of course, ulitmately the moviegoer will be the ones to decide. Critics review is just there to help guide.....okay maybe influence(?) somewhat. Hehe.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Seeking answers about humanity
Yahoo answers, one of the many Yahoo services, tapped brilliant, genius physicist, theoretical Author (Brief History of Time, The Universe in a Nutshell) and Univ. Cambridge mathematics Professor Stephen Hawking as one of 10 celebrity questioners for their ask the planet campaign.
The question: In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?"
Nearly 17,000 yahoo user responded. Some had brief answers others gave long ones offering resasons and explanations. Some were vague.
Check the website link. The answers and inputs of people are soo interesting. :)
Officials at the University of Cambridge, where Hawking is a mathematics professor, confirmed that Hawking wrote the message but said he would have no further comment.
Link via SFChronicle
My own two cents worthless piece of answers. To sustain the human race for another one hundred years, well... get rid of all the bad ones (terrorist, muderers..) retain the good ones (hmmm...*thinks*). Find new planet to dwell, copulate, procreate(??? er, hehe). Cloning(?) the best and the brightest individuals (but cloning is bad!....tsk tsk. I'm catholic..sue me!). Get rid of nuclear weapons and missiles.
Yay. I'm not gonna act like I know anything about everything cos honestly I dont... hence my own crappy sentiments. Hehee. I just like to blog about things that interest me.
The question: In a world that is in chaos politically, socially and environmentally, how can the human race sustain another 100 years?"
Nearly 17,000 yahoo user responded. Some had brief answers others gave long ones offering resasons and explanations. Some were vague.
Check the website link. The answers and inputs of people are soo interesting. :)
Officials at the University of Cambridge, where Hawking is a mathematics professor, confirmed that Hawking wrote the message but said he would have no further comment.
Link via SFChronicle
My own two cents worthless piece of answers. To sustain the human race for another one hundred years, well... get rid of all the bad ones (terrorist, muderers..) retain the good ones (hmmm...*thinks*). Find new planet to dwell, copulate, procreate(??? er, hehe). Cloning(?) the best and the brightest individuals (but cloning is bad!....tsk tsk. I'm catholic..sue me!). Get rid of nuclear weapons and missiles.
Yay. I'm not gonna act like I know anything about everything cos honestly I dont... hence my own crappy sentiments. Hehee. I just like to blog about things that interest me.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Missile reaction
Damn, it's scary! North Korea launching test missile. One of then landing somewhere off the Japan waters. They were furious. Of course who wouldn't be. It's very scary. China should do something... I think. According to Washington Post
The Taepodong-2 was the third of at least six missiles launched beginning at 2:33 p.m. EDT and ending four hours later. They included two short-range Scud missiles and three medium-range Nodongs, another type of Scud... "None posed a threat," a Pentagon spokesman said in an e-mail account of the incident, and "no action [was] required." The Taepodong-2 missile failed after about 35 seconds, he said
Right.. but remember the Nodong is a medium-range Scud missile. The Taepodong-2 is a multi-stage missile with a possible range of 2,175 to 2,672 miles, meaning it could hit parts of Alaska.
The thought is scary.
The Taepodong-2 was the third of at least six missiles launched beginning at 2:33 p.m. EDT and ending four hours later. They included two short-range Scud missiles and three medium-range Nodongs, another type of Scud... "None posed a threat," a Pentagon spokesman said in an e-mail account of the incident, and "no action [was] required." The Taepodong-2 missile failed after about 35 seconds, he said
Right.. but remember the Nodong is a medium-range Scud missile. The Taepodong-2 is a multi-stage missile with a possible range of 2,175 to 2,672 miles, meaning it could hit parts of Alaska.
The thought is scary.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Interview with the accused
One of the accused in the Subic rape case..Marine Staff Seargeant Chad Carpentier interviewed by GMA news
Tomorrow the victim 'Nicole' will be testifying. That's gotta be so nerve wracking and scary. But if you got raped you should be prepared to testify and tell all exactly what happened no matter how much painful it is in recalling ugly meories of that rape crime.
Like I keep saying....if guilty...punish. If not ...let go.
Click for more blog related post (since obviously not using Wordpress so can't do categories).
*edit.. Marines attacked by accuser. (10 July). Venting anger so can't really blame her I guess.
Carpentier said it was painful to be branded a rapist and feared that his two children may find it hard to understand what has happened to him.Okay..... I'm not sure if that interview has the blessings of the of embassy officials or lawyers for that matter but at least he was able to say what he wanted to say.
Admitting that the past eight months had been hard...Smith, who allegedly raped Nicole, was described by Carpentier as “very quiet” and “reserved.”
“He’s just a kid,” he added. “We’re humans, we’re not the monsters we’re made out to be and I think that’s starting to come to light as the trial moves on,” Carpentier said. Carpentier also said he was “not angry” with Nicole because “I know she’s attempted and tried to do what’s right.” He described the complainant as “a victim,” not “of us” but “of some of the people surrounding her.” Carpentier said he had “nothing to hide” and that, on the night of the alleged rape, there was “another person in the van” where the incident supposedly happened – “the Lord.”
Tomorrow the victim 'Nicole' will be testifying. That's gotta be so nerve wracking and scary. But if you got raped you should be prepared to testify and tell all exactly what happened no matter how much painful it is in recalling ugly meories of that rape crime.
Like I keep saying....if guilty...punish. If not ...let go.
Click for more blog related post (since obviously not using Wordpress so can't do categories).
*edit.. Marines attacked by accuser. (10 July). Venting anger so can't really blame her I guess.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
For whom the Liberty bell tolls
Happy 4th of July fireworks day to all you Americans! 
You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness. You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism. ~Erma Bombeck
Here in my country, we celebrate independence day 12 June and no we don't feast on food nor have fireworks. We do that during Christmas and New Year celebration. Hehe.
You have to love a nation that celebrates its independence every July 4, not with a parade of guns, tanks, and soldiers who file by the White House in a show of strength and muscle, but with family picnics where kids throw Frisbees, the potato salad gets iffy, and the flies die from happiness. You may think you have overeaten, but it is patriotism. ~Erma Bombeck
Here in my country, we celebrate independence day 12 June and no we don't feast on food nor have fireworks. We do that during Christmas and New Year celebration. Hehe.
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