Thursday, August 31, 2006
Bored outta my wits!
Aww fck it! Too freaking bad I don't drink! Yeah, a Catholic shmuckness! Larkiness..ugh ugh! Two minds should be consensual..with the bodies entwining! But aloneness leads to nonsense wittiness! or wetness! bwahahaha!
Okay. I've calmed down..just dull now. Weirdo me.
Careful you never know who's reading!
WASHINGTON - The married man's girlfriend sent a text message to his cell phone: His wife was getting suspicious. Perhaps they should cool it for a few days.
"So," she wrote, "I'll talk to u next week."
"You want a break from me? Then fine," he wrote back.
Later, the married man bought a new phone. He sold his old one on eBay, at Internet auction, for $290.
The guys who bought it now know his secret.
The married man had followed the directions in his phone's manual to erase all his information, including lurid exchanges with his lover. But it wasn't enough... Read more
But so okay... isnt' it that all informations are stored in the sim card? or is that stupid question!?! Haha.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
A Year After the Flood of Emotional Disaster

Photos by AP/WashPost. News link via WP
Monday, August 28, 2006
Fox journalists freed
In a phone call with Fox News, Centanni said they were abducted Aug. 14 by four masked gunmen on a side street in Gaza City. He said the assailants covered his head with a black hood, and crammed him and Wiig into a small car. Their possessions were taken, and their wrists were bound behind their backs. "I still have some sore wrists," he said. "It was digging into my wrists really badly." In captivity, Centanni said, he was laid face down in a dark garage and tied up in painful positions.
We were forced to convert to Islam at gunpoint," Centanni told Fox.
I guess when somebody points a gun on you.. you have no choice but to abide. Scary. Glad they're free now. Got soft spot for journalist/reporters.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
To realize the value of one year:
Ask a student who has failed a final exam.
To realize the value of one month:
Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.
To realize the the value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of one hour:
Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of one minute:
Ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane.
To realize the value of one second:
Ask a person who has survived an accident.
To realize the value of one millisecond:
Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.
Nice isn't it? If I can add up to this.. it will be something like ...
To realize the value of friendship or love: Don't be annoying.
To realize the value of humility: Try saying sorry.
I'll add some more brain's a bit spaced out. Happy Sunday morning.
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Old piece of blahness
Incumbent Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman got blogged down by his multi millionaire opponent, Ned Lamont for the primary battle for the Democratic race for the states senate seat. Man, it pays to have good blogging support group eh? The powers thy bloggers yield in this tech savvy world of politcal crapness. Eh.. *scratches head* Hihi. Poor Lieberman, he will run now as an independent. Lets see if Republicans will back him..for all it's worth. Heh.
One thing I can surely say about my blogs, I don't have that yielding clout power. This blog sucks and I'm the only one sane enough to read it. Of's my damn blog! But hey, if I can use this blaaaahg to help (someone/something) in a positive way..I'll glady blaggghing do it :)
Oh yeah, make love not war! :)
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Oh no we're Plutoless!
For now, membership will be restricted to the eight "classical" planets in the solar system: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Much-maligned Pluto doesn't make the grade under the new rules for a planet: "a celestial body that is in orbit around the sun, has sufficient mass for its self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that it assumes a ... nearly round shape, and has cleared the neighborhood around its orbit."Pluto is automatically disqualified because its oblong orbit overlaps with Neptune's.
Aww. Why oh why did they do that?!?! Our solar system will not be thesame. Oh pluto! Nine planets will be come eight.. ack! we're Plutoless!
Fartness! I was laughing so hard hearing this one performer comment "Oh vanilla Ice is back?!?" referring to the performance of guy named Federline. Hahah.
Newness! Blogger, yes the one who publishes my blogs you're readng right now has new beta features. One needs to switched from the old to the the beta version so one can use it. Looks good. About time they change something and enhanced their blog features. Remember it's beta so there's still some bugs. Eh..squash those bugs ye hear!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Reviews for the Spike Lee documentary
Even when Lee's subjects are calm and composed, their words cut to the bone. Along with visuals that capture all aspects of the disaster, these bitter, wounded, poignant, thoughtful, expert and often foul-mouthed voices are knitted together in a tightly edited film that manages to sustain four hours without a central narrator. (Washington Post)
Although seeds of hope are woven into this tapestry of rage, sorrow and disbelief, the inability of government at almost every level to act quickly and decisively leaves you aghast at what amounts to a collective failure of will. Some of the stories that hurt the most describe indignities suffered by ordinary New Orleanians leaving the city, like those who were turned back by armed police officers as they tried to cross a bridge into the town of Gretna. (NYTimes)
In this way, "When the Levees Broke" isn't so much investigative as impressionistic, the kind of storytelling you still get on a radio show like Ira Glass' "This American Life." But it's the accumulation of anecdote, not the rhetoric, that makes this such a valuable document. "When the Levees Broke" is like the New Orleans jazz funeral — a dirge on the way to the cemetery, an up-tempo parade in the deceased's honor on the bittersweet walk back home. (LA Times)
I'm not sure if HBO Asia will air it here but I hope they do. I've seen 9/11 docus before (haven't seen Oliver Stone's film, WTC or the film flight 93,though). I'm sure Hurricane Katrina, will resonate with emotional thug just as 9/11 documentaries.
Btw, I hope HBO Asia plan to show the Kevin Carter documentary also.
Source for many reviews from Metacritic
Truce be told...
Okay enough said.
Newslink via Washington Post
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Photographer McCusker out of the hospital
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Finally a suspect murderer arrested!
Oh my God. I can't help but cringe and get scared. This man, who is now a very much suspect in that brutal murder of a child beauty queen had been living in Asia. A decade ago six year old Jonbenet Ramsey was brutally murdered. It became a high profiled case and for ten years the Boulder police didn't have any success finding out who killed the little gir (they suspected the parents). And now this breakthrough and the guy all along had been in Asia.
The little girl, would've been 16 years old right had she lived.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Sadness, Anger and Grief Took it's Toll on Him...
He wanted to die.
“You have to understand the depth of the horror that the city was,”
This is from the New York Times article (NYTimes reg req'd)
NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 9 — On the morning after Hurricane Katrina, when members of The Times-Picayune’s staff found themselves marooned in its flooded building here, John McCusker refused to join most of his colleagues in relocating to a remote newsroom in Baton Rouge.
After the building was evacuated, Mr. McCusker, a photographer for the paper, swam through muck while managing to keep his equipment dry and, from a kayak, captured some of the most harrowing images of the storm’s immediate aftermath. Then, for months, he lived the misery he had been photographing, having lost his possessions, his family’s home and his entire neighborhood to the hurricane.
On Tuesday, nearly a year after the storm, he seemed to more
Please... if you're interested. I wanted to post all but it's quite long. It's a reminder really that people still are dealing with the mental grief and trauma hurricane Katrina brought to them. New Orleans residence still suffering from the tragedy.
In many instances like in strife torn places and countries were poverty is rampant, people suffer from the trauma of what they're going through.
I'm not a photographer but seeing and snapping photos of tragedy can really take it's toll and then one just snaps. Pulitzer-prize winner Kevin Carter of South Africa is an example. After seeing the famine in Sudan and snapping that now famous photo of vulture waiting to eat a child, he committed suicide. (Click here to see the photo).
Emotions and tragedy are potent mix. For some it's hard to disassociate themselves from the subject of their profession. It's hard not to get affected. Snapshots of tragedy specially, can trigger despairing feelings and then one just wants to end it all and just die to block it all out.
It's all sad.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Amazing wonderful shots from Afghanistan
Monday, August 07, 2006
So who do you side with?
News link (AP/Yahoo)
Friday, August 04, 2006
Un hibernating, un hiatus for today now
Ganging up on Mel Gibson
Yes. He deserve all the hate and bigotry and for his drunken anti semitic slurs. But c'mon! He already said sorry! He apologized and I believe he is sincere and he meant it. Of course some would argue, he should have said the apology right then and there and not when he sobered up did he profusely apologized to the jewish community.
There are conservatives defending him. In defense of Mel Gibson, John Derbyshire in his NRO column said....
The guy was drunk, for heaven’s sake. We all say and do dumb things when we are drunk. If I were to be judged on my drunken escapades and follies, I should be utterly excluded from polite society, and so would you, unless you are some kind of saint.
But yet again people would argue, is it really the drunken state or there really is more deeper hatred against the jews hence anti semitic tirade?
Where is Hollywood and why wont they defend one of their own? They're nowhere to be found. They are silent. Hell, most of Hollywood bigwigs are Jews. Deep inside they are disappointed with Mel and his tirades. Would they Abandon him? It looks to be heading that way..for now it seems. Will he lose fans and his movies will tanked? Yes. He did make an ass of him out there. Getting drunk, and saying those slurs. He deserved it. No excuse for it.. except him being drunk and all. He is paying the price now for his actons. His image tarnished.
But... Mel Gibson is one powerful movie star you rarely hear anything from his family..his wife especially, his children had been shielded mostly and free from all the hollywood brouhaha. So Give the guy a break!
Celebrities and famous personalities have been charged with drunk driving too many times, and this time around, Mel Gibson arrested for misdemeanor DUI created a lot judgement because of his anti semitic slurs, truth is if it weren't for those remarks, it probably would made less of an impact. Of course it would be created a lot of publicity because he is a big star. Powerful hollywood player.
At the end of the day once sober, he apologized and made amends again and owned up to his very very stupid grave mistake (that will probably ruined him in hollywood and with friends as well though I doubt. Heck, hollywood is hollwyood if you know what I mean.). He should be getting help now and for his alcoholism problems.